Expeditions with MCUP is an online academic journal that offers authors a forum for the debate of trending domestic and international topics. Expeditions with MCUP will have all the advantages of a scholarly journal, including peer review and expert editing, but in a shorter time frame than a traditional print journal. Our authors will discuss the full spectrum of themes within the context of national security, international relations, and geopolitics as they apply to and impact the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, and the U.S. Marine Corps directly and indirectly.
Expeditions with MCUP uses a double anonymous peer review process to evaluate submissions. Subject matter experts who specialize in military history, national security, international relations, social science topics are recruited from internal and external agencies to support Expeditions' annual publishing process. To learn more about the acquisitions process and MCUP's scholarly best practices, click on the Acquisitions button or email mcu_press@usmcu.edu.
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Send an email to mcu_press@usmcu.edu for more information or see the Acquisitions site.
ISSN 2688-5395 (Online)
The U.S. Navy Is at War: The United States' Quasi-Naval War with Yemen's Houthis John T. Kuehn, PhD
Lying to Ourselves: Has the U.S. Navy Become the Imperial Japanese Navy of 1941? John T. Kuehn, PhD
Commentary: The Changing Human Relationship with Infectious Disease Kerry Fosher, PhD, and LtCol Erin Berard, USMC
The Disinformation Age: Toward a Net Assessment of the United Kingdom's Cognitive Domain Paul Ottewell
The Unified Combatant Command System: Centerpiece of the 1986 U.S. Armed Forces Reforms Ufot B. Inamete
Limited Wars in the Periphery: The Dilemma of American Military Assistance Jahara Matisek and Joshua D. Williamson
Escaping Atonement in Sunni Islam: Death by Jihad for Deliverance Christine Sixta Rinehart, PhD
Is the Joint Force Ready for a High-Tech, Multidomain, Evolving World?: A Study of Professional Reading Lists Patrick O’Brien, PhD; Chip E. Miller, PhD; Col John Flanagan, USMC; and Col Brian Cook, USA (Ret)
From Deterrence to Strategic Morality: A Proposed Paradigm Revolution Addressing the Reintroduction of Aggressive War into the Strategic Environment Patrick C. Coaty, PhD
War Becoming Phantasmal: A Cognitive Shift in Organized Violence beyond Traditional Limits Ben Zweibelson, PhD
Appraising Information in an Integration of Evidence-Based Management and Military Judgment and Decision Making David E. McCullin, DM
Crossing under Fire: The Israeli 143d Armored Division at the Suez Canal, 1973 Lieutenant Colonel Nathan A. Jennings, USA, PhD
Reconsidering Offensive Mine Warfare: Historical Perspectives from World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War Commander Christian Richer, USN
LST Redux: Adapting to the Future of Maritime Warfare by Understanding the Past Evan Phillips, EdD
Integrating Information Literacy with the Evidence-based Framework and Military Judgement and Decision Making: A Literature Review David E. McCullin, DM
The "Big Three" Revisited: Initial Lessons from 200 Days of War in Ukraine Yagil Henkin, PhD
Improving Maneuver Warfighting with Antoine-Henri Jomini: Warfighting Functions, the Single Battle Concept, and Interior Lines Captain Austin L. Bajc
The Concept of War in Ancient Mesopotamia: Reshaping Carl von Clausewitz's Trinity by Michael Cserkits, PhD
The Integration of the Evidence-Based Framework and Military Judgment and Decision-Making by David E. McCullin, DM
The American and Joint Origins of Operational Depth in the Meuse-Argonne Campaign by Thomas Bruscino, PhD
Exploring Evidence-Based Management in Military Planning Processes as a Critically Appraised Topic by David E. McCullin, DM
The Desert War: Marine Corps Aviation in Desert Storm, January-February 1991 Fred Allison, PhD
The Operational Warfare Revolution: How Operational Art Can Prepare the Marine Corps for an Era of Great Power Competition Matthew J. Schultz
The Finely-Honed Blade: Clausewitz and Boyd on Friction and Moral Factors by Martin Samuels
Assessing Resistance for the Purpose of Informing International Policy by Robert S. Burrell and John Collison
Misinformed: Implications of Foreign Influence on the Information Environment that Launched Operation Iraqi Freedom by Michael P. Ferguson
Russian Foreign Humanitarian Assistance: Identifying Trends Using 15 Years of Open-Source Data by Jonathan Robinson
Military Competition between the United States and China in the South China Sea: A Critical Analysis by Nicky C. Cardenas
To Win without Fighting: Defining China's Political Warfare by Professor Kerry Gershaneck
Policy, Perception, and Misperception: The United States and the Fall of the Shah by Kyle Balzer
Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps: Its Foreign Policy and Foreign Legion Mark D. Silinsky, PhD
Weather: The Only Constant in Warfare Mangesh Sawant
An Introduction to PLAN E: Grand Strategy for the Twenty-First-Century Era of Entangled Security and Hyperthreats Elizabeth G. Boulton, PhD
Lake Chad: Changing Hydrography, Violent Extremism, and Climate-Conflict Intersection Thomas E. Griffin
Water Scarcity in Brazil: A Case Study Denise Slater
U.S. Defense Innovation and Industrial Policy: An Assessment of Where Things Currently Stand Nicholas Dew and Ira Lewis
Tidal and Wave Renewable Energy: In Support of Marines during Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations Major Corydon Cusack, USMC
Quantum Technology and the Military—Revolution or Hype?: The Impact of Emerging Quantum Technologies on Future Warfare Captain Daniel Choi, USMC
A New Way of War: The Swarmers Davide Montingelli
The Battle with Data: Realities of Bringing Artificial Intelligence to the Battlefield Lieutenant Colonel Ryan Whitty, USMC
System-on-System Competition in Defense Innovation Nicholas Dew and Ira Lewis
Freedom’s “Flying Snake”: The AIM-9 Sidewinder in the Cold War James Young, PhD
The Great Power Competition for North America: Western Expansion and the Conquest of Trans-Appalachia, 1680–1821 Matthew J. Flynn, PhD
Holistic Health as a Twenty-First-Century Military Strategy: Stoic Philosophy and Spiritual Fitness for Optimizing Warfighter Readiness Commander David A. Daigle, CHC, USN; Lieutenant Colonel Daniel V. Goff, USMC (Ret); and Harold G. Koenig, MD, MHSc
Culture in Military Operations: A Case Study: Operation Provide Comfort Vern Liebl
Combat Art: An Avant-Garde Approach to Developing Critical Thinkers Major Eric Cash, USMC
Postpartum Depression and Its Impact on the Joint Force Major Justin Mastrangelo, USAFR
Cultural Problems Require Cultural Solutions: Partnership between Anthropology and the U.S. Marine Corps to Prevent Suicide Seth Allard
How Can the United States Move toward Gender-Neutral Special Forces?: Lessons from the Norwegian Military Mariah Loukou
Evaluating Military Cross-Cultural Training Programs Allison Abbe, PhD