
International Perspectives on Military Education
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Marine Corps University Press
Quantico, Virginia
international perspectives on military education

The international military learning community is among the largest and yet least studied educational systems in the world. It employs multidisciplinary scholars at the tops of their fields and educates students who become global security leaders and heads of international armed forces and governments, but we still understand relatively little about it in terms of its unique position within the scholarship of teaching and learning. International Perspectives on Military Education (IPME) aims to fill this gap and provide a centralized home for scholarship and reflections on military education in its many forms.


MCUP PARTNERS: The Air Force Culture and Language Center develops Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP) Scholars who may assist with translation support.



Format: Online
ISSN 2998-3738


Format: Print
ISSN 2998-372X

Contributing Editors

Mark Hamilton, PhD
Inter-American Defense College

Megan J. Hennessey, PhD
Academic Support Division
Marine Corps University

Amanda M. Rosen, PhD
Associate Director
Teaching Excellence Center
U.S. Naval War College

ipme editorial board

Andrés de Castro, PhD
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain

Kerry B. Fosher, PhD
Director, Human Research Protection Program
Marine Corps University

Major General Hugo Quijano Gomero (Ret)
Air Warfare College
Peruvian Air Force

Olenda E. Johnson, PhD
Professor, Strategic Leadership & Leader Development
Flag Officer and Senior Leader Development
College of Leadership & Ethics
U.S. Naval War College

Lisa Marie Kerr, EdD
Associate Professor
College of Leadership & Ethics
U.S. Naval War College

Sabrina E. Medeiros, PhD
Assistant Professor
Centro Universitário de Lisboa

General André Novaes
Brazilian Army

Ana Luiza B. Paiva, PhD
Professor at the Graduate Program in Military Sciences
Brazilian Army Command and General Staff College

Celestino Perez, Jr., PhD
Chair of Executive and Strategic Leadership
Director, Carlisle Scholars Program
School of Strategic Landpower
U.S. Army War College

Carsten F. Rønnfeldt 
Norwegian Defence University College/Norwegian Military Academy

Cintiene Sandes Monfredo Mendes, PhD
Professor in the Graduate Program in Security, Development ,and Defense
Brazilian Defense College

Margaret Sankey, PhD
Full Professor
Air University

Sae Schatz, PhD
Executive Director 
Partnership for Peace Consortium  
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

Margaret BK Shepherd
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies 
Royal Military College of Canada

LtCol Timothy Sparks
Director, Command and Staff College Blended Seminar Program, Quantico Region
College of Distance Education and Training

Marcelo M. Valença, PhD
Professor Adjunto
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Marítimos (PPGEM)
Escola de Guerra Naval (EGN)
Marinha do Brasil

call for submissions

Marine Corps University Press announces the newest offering in its catalog of scholarly, peer reviewed journals:

International Perspectives on Military Education (IPME)

IPME provides a centralized home for scholarship and reflections on international professional military education (PME) in its many forms. Scholars and practitioners are invited to share their original research on military educational institutions and learners as well as lessons learned, practical tips for teaching within a military environment, and reflections on the impact of the professional military education experience on graduates. To provide a space for cross-cultural engagement, the editors encourage authors to collaborate across borders and institutional types and to submit work in multiple languages: English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

As a hybrid journal, IPME articles and essays will first be published digitally after they have been reviewed and accepted for publication. Articles submitted in the author’s native language will be published in two versions: the original language and English. At the end of the publishing year, all articles and essays will be compiled into a single volume for a traditional print version.

Submissions may cover the full range of topics, concerns, concepts, and approaches to military education in one of the following areas:


Research on Military Education

Original research on the scholarship of teaching and learning or on institutional, organizational, or administrative matters within military education. These articles should follow scholarly conventions, including literature reviews, methodology, results, and discussion.

Articles may be 6,000–9,000 words, including footnotes.


Lessons Learned

Articles sharing lessons learned within the military education environment, such as teaching approaches for PME concepts; wargames, simulations, and tabletop exercises; curricular analysis; case studies in organizational change; and the history, mission, and role of military education. Note: essays that read like op-eds critiquing a specific institution/academic will not be accepted.

Articles may be 3,000–5,000 words, including footnotes.


Cross-Cultural Engagement

Articles analyzing collaborations across institutions, allies, and partners; examples of lessons crossing international boundaries; results of cross-cultural projects and findings; and other topics that emphasize cross-cultural engagement between different institutions, Services, and countries.

Articles may be 3,000–5,000 words, including footnotes.


Graduate Reflections on Professional Military Education

Essays from graduates of PME institutions on what they learned and how it applies to their careers. Note: essays that read like op-eds critiquing a specific institution/academic will not be accepted.

Articles may be 1,250–3,000 words, including footnotes.



Longer essays that provide insights for both scholars and PME students about the sources currently available on a range of historical and contemporary international military education topics and reveal gaps or shortcomings that offer opportunities for new or further study.

Essays may be 3,000–5,000 words, including footnotes.


Review Essays

Shorter essays that offer critical review of two or more academic titles that highlight international PME.

Essays may be 1,250–3,000 words, including footnotes.


Book Reviews

Shorter essays on topics within security studies that explore how the text could be used effectively within military education.

Essays may be at least 750 words and use inline references to quoted materials.

IPME is supported by an editorial board of international subject matter experts, and they serve as a steering committee for the press in its annual operation of the journal. The contributing editors serve as the first line of review for all submissions, ensuring that content meets the mission and requirements of the journal. All full-length articles will then go through a double-anonymous peer review process to determine final selection.

DEADLINES:  IPME uses a rolling submission process and accepts articles/essays throughout the year. To be included in the annual print volume, articles must be submitted and accepted for publication by no later than 1 October. All content arriving after 1 October will automatically roll into consideration for the next year’s volume.

Submissions should be formatted according to the current edition of Chicago Manual of Style and submitted as Word files to prevent delays in the review process. Authors are encouraged to register for an ORCID and provide that number with their biography during the submission process. To propose a topic or submit an article, send an email noting IPME in the subject line to

For more on the MCUP acquisitions process, the house style guide, or publishing policies, visit and click on ACQUISITIONS. MCUP does not publish classified information, and we do not encourage dual submissions.

[to come]


Marine Corps University