

Marine Corps University Logo
Marine Corps University
Quantico, Virginia
Chaplain's Corner

National Museum of the Marine Corps Chaplain


MCO 1730.6G instructs Chaplains, RPs, and other religious ministry team (RMT) members to support commanding officers with accommodating the religious needs of Marines, their families and authorized personnel. Whether these teams are small or large, RMTs have a covenant to support those they serve by:

Providing professional religious ministry through worship services, religious education, weddings, funerals, and other religious rituals and rites.

Facilitating for the religious needs of our people from other religious traditions by identifying their religious needs and coordinating support from other chaplains, civilian clergy, and lay leaders.

Caring for our people with dignity, respect, and compassion, regardless of individual beliefs, and making informed and professional referrals. Chaplains are available 24/7 with confidential counseling to ensure service members and their families have the spiritual resilience to cope with the inevitable hardships of military life.

Advising commanding officers on the accommodation of religious needs; on the moral, ethical, and spiritual well-being of our people; and on religious matters that affect the command’s mission.

***Any religious content posted is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Marine Corps.***


Gray Research Center
Room 139

Command Chaplain

Daniel J. McGrath
(703) 432-5298

Get to Know the Chaplain

Chaplain McGrath served in civilian ministry in Anglican parishes from 2002-2009 and became a Navy Chaplain in 2009. Since then, he has served with the Marine Corps, Navy, Coast Guard and Naval Academy. His deployments include the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit and Pacific Partnership. 


Marine Memorial Chapel Schedule (Base Chapel)

Roman Catholic Mass:  Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 1130; Sundays 0900 & 1215

Protestant Worship:  Sunday Service 1030

Islamic Worship:  Friday Jummah Service 1300

Protestant Adult Sunday School:  Sundays 0900-1000, Chapel Annex #137.

Catholic Religious Education information:

Catholic Women of the Chapel:


Semper Fidelis Memorial Chapel

The Semper Fidelis Memorial Chapel is located on the grounds of the National Marine Corps Museum and is operated by the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation. Although there are no regularly occurring religious services offered at the Chapel, it is open to visitors daily and is also available for private reservations. To discuss scheduling options, contact or call (703) 649-2350.

Semper Fidelis Memorial Chapel



CREDO is the acronym for the Chaplains Religious Enrichment Development Operation. CREDO's mission is to strengthen spiritual well-being and individual resilience through workshops and retreats for DOD service members, civilians, and families. All events are free of charge. Since 1971, CREDO has offered transformational workshops, seminars and retreats specifically designed to inspire hope and strengthen spiritual well-being and enrich the lives of DOD service members and families.


Naval District Washington CREDO

CREDO NDW Joint Base Anacostia Bolling 220 Brookley Ave., Bldg. 4 Washington, DC  20032 Office:  202-404-8831


Personal Resiliency Retreat

The Personal Resiliency Retreat is designed to help participants foster positive personal growth and self-awareness. They will discover a wealth of practical ideas and tips for personal growth that lead to increased resiliency. Participants learn to explore who they are, how the past has shaped who they are today, and the type of person they wish to become. Participants are prepared and encouraged to develop skills that enhance the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions.


marriage enrichment retreats

Marriage enrichment retreats create a time/space for couples to reconnect, reevaluate, and refocus upon the important aspects of their relationship to experience renewal. Family enrichment retreats are for the whole family. 

For a current schedule please contact the MCU Chaplain.


Spiritual Fitness

Spiritual Fitness can be defined as Inner Strength From Higher Purpose. It has also been described as The strength of spirit that enables the warfighter to accomplish the mission with honor.  Visit the following links to learn more about Spiritual Fitness initiatives in the Marine Corps.

ALMAR Message on Spiritual Fitness from General Eric Smith, 39th Commandant of the Marine Corps

Video Message from General Smith, SgtMaj Ruiz and RDML Cash on Spiritual Fitness

Official Site for Marine Corps Spiritual Fitness

Spiritual Fitness Leaders Guide Notebook (PDF)

An Interview with BGen Tracy on Spiritual Fitness

***New*** Spotlight on Spiritual Fitness by Marine Corps University Press

Chaplain's Reflection

The title of Chaplain describes a clergy professional traditionally associated with a Chapel. Unlike parish clergy, the ministry of the Chaplain is not focused on the life of the parish but on the life of the unit, whether that may be the military unit, hospital, prison or school.  Chaplains are grounded in a life of prayer, worship and study, but often exercise their ministry on the deck plates, in the field, and in the daily life of their units. Wherever chaplains go, they wear the symbols of their ministry, encouraging their shipmates and reminding them of the divine and the eternal. When chaplains return to their prayers, they offer back to God those needs and concerns that have been shared with them, entering into the divine presence with the people on their hearts.