Seminar Schedules
CDET's regional offices work with each student to determine a schedule that best fits their educational goals and the constraints of their personal time. At the end of a program's enrollment period, the regional office for each region creates a set of seminar schedules to accommodate the students as much as possible while meeting the requirements of the seminar. This ensures that each seminar has an appropriate class size and a variety of MOSs to encourage discussion and interaction.
Three types of seminar schedules are offered for the ECDEP seminar programs. These schedules deliver each seminar program's curriculum over a period of 15 weeks as per the AY25 Enlisted College DEP academic calendar. Classes run concurrently across all regions (i.e., on the same weeks for weekday and online seminars, and on the same months for weekend seminars).
ECDEP seminar programs are not self-paced courses. Students are graded on class contributions, weekly quizzes, writing assignments, presentations, and forum participation.
All students require access to a computer and the internet while participating in a seminar program. Online portions of seminars are done via MarineNet Moodle.

Schedule Types
Students meet on-site at an installation or virtually once per week for 15 weeks. Each session is approximately 3 hours in the evening. Students have weekly assignments—including quizzes, presentations, and pre-reads—requiring approximately 3–6 hours of study time.
Weekday seminars are scheduled three times a year, beginning in July, November, and March.
Reserve Marines may attend weekday seminars, but Marine Forces Reserve (MFR) will not provide funding.
Student participate asynchronously online for a period of 15 weeks, interacting on MarineNet Moodle. Students have weekly assignments—including quizzes, presentations, and pre-reads—requiring approximately 3–6 hours of study time.
Online seminars are scheduled three times a year, beginning in July, November, and March.
Reserve Marines may attend online seminars, but MFR will not provide funding.
Students meet on-site one weekend (Saturday and Sunday) per month for four months. Students have weekly assignments—including quizzes, presentations, and pre-reads—requiring approximately 3–6 hours of study time. During each weekend session, students discuss the four lessons that were studied.
Weekend seminars are scheduled two times a year, in fall and spring.
The weekend schedule is designed for reserve Marines, with funded seats available. Active duty Marines may also attend weekend seminars, but funding is not provided.
Course schedules for each schedule type are below. Schedules for individual seminars are provided by region.
Seminar Registration
How to Submit an ECDEP Seminar Enrollment Request
Training Manager Approval Process for ECDEP Enrollments
To enroll in an ECDEP seminar program, you must:
Be grade appropriate or selectee,
Meet the Marine Corps body composition standards per MCO 6110.3,
Have completed the appropriate distance education program on MarineNet,
Be nominated by their command,
Have access to a personal computer with audio and video capability and the internet.
A limited number of seats are typically available for sister service members within each region, for each cycle of the seminar programs. Contact the nearest regional office for more information.
Information for Your Unit
Seminars are not located in MCTIMS.
Weekday and Online Seminars
To enroll in a weekday or online seminar, you or your training manager must submit a request through MarineNet for the relevant course code (5500, 6500, or 7500). Make sure that your information is correct and that you've included the contact info for your SgtMaj or commanding officer. Click the button at the bottom to submit your enrollment request. The status of your request will be displayed under the notifications tab on the MarineNet home page.
Additionally, submit a command screening checklist to your SgtMaj or CO. Their approval is required.
The registration deadline is 14 days prior to the convening week.
Weekend Seminars
Registration is considered continuous and will be processed on a first come, first served basis. Individual units will forward their nominations, to include a command endorsed application package (agreement of training and weekend seminar command screening checklist) and a copy of the Marine's respective MarineNet DEP completion certificate, to the reserve liaison office. The registration deadline is 45 days prior to the convening month to allow enough time for all MROWs and travel requests to be processed. Once the registration deadline has passed, students will be assigned regions and an acceptance letter will be sent detailing specific dates and coordinating instructions.
Weekend seminars are fully funded for reserve Marines by Marine Forces Reserve (MFR). SMCR, IMA, and IRR Marines accepted into the program will be placed on active duty for operational support (ADOS) orders and will be given per diem. Rental cars are authorized but will be limited to one per unit. Weekend seminars are not intended to replace inactive drill training (IDT) days. It will be up to the commander's discretion as to how to manage each Marine's schedule.
ECDEP Curriculums
Select your rank below to determine which CDET programs are required for PME completion, per MARADMIN 474/21.
Curricula Completion Reporting
Active and reserve Marines that complete ECDEP courses on MarineNet will have their course completions (course and school code) sent automatically to their official military record in the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS). MMRP-20 will then pull the completions of the entire curricula from MCTFS, automatically generate a completion certificate, and post the certificate to each student's official military personnel file (OMPF). CDET will post copies of diplomas for distinguished graduates into their OMPF. Only a certificate is required; students are not required to input their diplomas into their OMPF records if a certificate already exists.
If the completion of the curriculum shows in MCTFS, but does not appear in OMPF, please contact CDET Student Support via the MarineNet help desk, option 2.