
College of Distance Education and Training
The official seal for the United States Marine Corps College of Distance Education and Training
Marine Corps University
Quantico, Va.

Glossary of Abbreviations

Abbreviations are used throughout our pages. Many of them are specific to CDET.

    1. AAR
      after-action review
    2. ACE
      American Council on Education
    3. ADOS
      active duty for operational support
    4. ASSP
      Advanced School Seminar Program
    5. AWC
      Air War College
    6. AY
      academic year
    1. BAMCIS
      begin planning, arrange reconnaissance, make reconnaissance, complete planning, issue order, and supervise
    2. BSP
      blended seminar program
    3. BTR
      basic training record
    1. CDET
      College of Distance Education and Training
    2. CEME
      College of Enlisted Military Education ("Enlisted College")
    3. CentCom
      Central Command
    4. CEP
      Continuing Education Program
    5. CJCSI
      Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction
    6. CLS
      career-level school
    7. COA
      course of action
    8. CSC
      Command and Staff College
    9. CSCDEP
      Command and Staff College distance education program
    10. CSSP
      Career School Seminar Program
    11. CWO
      chief warrant officer
    12. CY
      calendar year
    13. C2
      Command and Control
    1. DEP
      distance education program
    2. DLAP
      distance learning analysis and planning
    3. DMO
      Distribution Management Office
    4. DoD
      Department of Defense
    1. EABO
      Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations
    2. ECDEP
      Enlisted College distance education program
    3. EDCOM
      Education Command
    4. EDIPI
      electronic data interchange personal identifier (DoD identification number)
    5. EDL
      electronic distance learning
    6. EE
      enhanced scholarly elective
    7. EWS
      Expeditionary Warfare School
    8. EWSDEP
      Expeditionary Warfare School distance education program
    1. FAQ
      frequently asked question
    2. FSTS
      Formal Schools Travel Support
    3. FY
      fiscal year
    1. GE
      general scholarly elective
    1. IDT
      inactive drill training
    2. IED
      improvised explosive device
    3. ILS
      intermediate-level school
    4. IMA
      Individual Mobilization Augmentee
    5. IMI
      interactive multimedia instruction
    6. IMSO
      international military student officer
    7. IRAM
      Marine Corps Individual Records Administration Manual
    8. IRR
      Individual Ready Reserve
    1. JAGMAN
      Judge Advocate General
    2. JRB
      Joint Reserve Base
    3. JPME
      Joint Professional Military Education
    4. JPP
      joint planning process
    5. JSO
      joint specialty officer
    6. JTF
      joint task force
    1. KB
    1. LOCE
      Littoral Operations in a Contested Environment
    2. LRC
      learning resource center
    1. MAGTF
      Marine Air-Ground Task Force
      Marine administrative message
    3. MARFOR
      Marine Corps Forces
      Marine Forces Reserve
    5. MB
    6. MCAGCC
      Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center
    7. MCAS
      Marine Corps Air Station
    8. MCB
      Marine Corps Base
    9. MCC
      monitored command code
    10. MCCS
      Marine Corps Community Services
    11. MCDP
      Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication
    12. MCLB
      Marine Corps Logistics Base
    13. MCO
      Marine Corps Order
    14. MCPP
      Marine Corps Planning Process
    15. MCRD
      Marine Corps Recruit Depot
    16. MCTFS
      Marine Corps Total Force System
    17. MCTIMS
      Marine Corps Training Information Management System
    18. MCTP
      Marine Corps Tactical Publication
    19. MCU
      Marine Corps University
    20. METL
      mission-essential task list
    21. MFR
      Marine Forces Reserve
    22. MMRP
      Manpower Management Records and Performance
    23. MOL
      Marine Online
    24. MOS
      military occupational specialty
    25. MROW
      Marine reported-on worksheets
    26. MVS
      MarineNet Video Service
    27. MWTC
      Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center
    1. NAS
      Naval Air Station
    2. NAVMC
      Navy/Marine Corps
    3. NCO
      noncommissioned officer
    4. NPS
      Naval Postgraduate School
    1. OCONUS
      outside the continental United States
    2. OMPF
      official military personnel file
    3. OPORD
      operation order
    1. PES
      performance evaluation system
    2. PME
      professional military education
    3. PMEDEP
      professional military education distance education program
    4. POC
      point of contact
    1. ROMO
      Range of Military Operations
    2. RCLF
      Regional Culture and Language Familiarization
    3. RLO
      reserve liaison office
    4. RUC
      reporting unit code
    1. SAW
      School of Advanced Warfighting
    2. SMCR
      Selected Marine Corps Reserve
    3. SNCO
      staff noncommissioned officer
    4. SouthCom
      Southern Command
    5. SSSP
      Sergeants School Seminar Program
    6. SWAT
      separate written agreement to train
    1. TECOM
      Training and Education Command
    2. TET
      tactical exercise team
    3. T/O&E
      table of organization and equipment
    4. T&R
      training and readiness
    5. TTP
      tactics, techniques, and procedures
    1. UIC
      unit identification code
    2. URP
      unit readiness planning
    3. USAWC
      U.S. Army War College
    4. USMC
      United States Marine Corps
    5. USNA
      United States Naval Academy

Research Tools

Several external resources are available to assist in your research or school work.

Links to external resources do not constitute the U.S. Marine Corps' endorsement of the associated websites or the content therein.

About CDET

The College of Distance Education and Training (CDET) is the organization within the Marine Corps Education Command (EDCOM) with the mission to design, develop, deliver, evaluate, manage, and resource distance learning products and programs across the Marine Corps training and education continuum in order to increase operational readiness. CDET is a total force educational institution: it serves all U.S. military forces and DoD government agencies, as well as international military forces throughout the globe.

Our programs and courses concentrate on the leadership, warfighting, and staff development skills of the nation's military, and feature the educational standards, learning areas, and learning objectives of the Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) program required by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. They are accessible globally through a variety of delivery systems. Our online learning management system, MarineNet, provides education to students wherever they are stationed. Learning resource centers are fielded to provide access to MarineNet and exam proctors. Our worldwide seminar program supports the professional military education (PME) distance education programs (DEPs) through a network of regional campuses and via the Moodle learning management system.




CDET's academic integrity policy informs CDET students, faculty, and proctors of the importance of academic integrity as it pertains to personal, academic, and professional endeavors. Participants in any CDET program must pledge to uphold these standards regarding personal integrity, collaboration, and plagiarism.




Our adjunct faculty conducts the seminars for CDET's PME distance education programs.

Adjunct Faculty

Our adjunct faculty members are contracted personnel who conduct the seminars for CDET's professional military education distance education programs (DEPs), including Enlisted College (ECDEP), Expeditionary Warfare School (EWSDEP), and Command and Staff College (CSCDEP). We draw the majority of our adjunct faculty from the fleet so that they may bring their vast operational experience and training to enhance our seminars. Our adjunct faculty members are located at major bases and stations worldwide and are frequently in contact with the operating forces; thus, they are very attuned to the realities of what is happening in the fleet.

Some of the qualifications for our adjunct faculty include:

  • Possess a degree in education, history, international relations, or national security/strategic studies (specific degree requirements may be waived depending on the applicant's other qualifications).

  • Have knowledge of, and experience in, military subject matter within the CDET curriculum.

  • Have knowledge of the principles, methods, and practices of the case study method; experience in seminar leadership, public speaking, war-gaming, and other techniques of instruction suitable for teaching mid-grade professional military officers.

  • Be a graduate of the appropriate career, intermediate, or senior level school.

  • Have knowledge of the background and development of American military policy from the colonial era to the present, including policies relating to the Marine Corps and other services.

  • Possess desired competencies including organization and planning skills, competence in seminar facilitation, and student evaluation and assessment skills.

If you are interested in becoming an adjunct faculty member, contact your local regional office or the CDET Dean of Academics at (703) 784-0741.

Top Level Schools

Top level schools offer Marine Corps officers a unique opportunity for high quality non-resident education to further enhance their professional knowledge and expertise.




The U.S. Army War College (USAWC) distance education program for lieutenant colonels and colonels educates and develops leaders for service at the strategic level while advancing knowledge in the global application of landpower. It consists of a series of eight primary online courses, an elective or directed research project, and two 2-week resident courses at Carlisle Barracks, PA, taken over a two-year period.

For additional information, see MARADMIN 654/19 or visit the USAWC Department of Distance Education page.




The Air War College (AWC) distance learning program for lieutenant colonels develops senior leaders for strategic-level employment of air, space, and cyberspace forces. The curriculum emphasizes coalition war fighting and national security. The program includes seminars, simulation exercises, electives, international travel, and a national security symposium.

For additional information, visit the AWC Distance Learning Program page.

Links to external resources do not constitute the U.S. Marine Corps' endorsement of the associated websites or the content therein.

Marine Corps University