
Marine Corps University Press
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Marine Corps University
Quantico, Virginia

Appendix G

Human Security: Wake Force Concept

Elizabeth G. Boulton, PhD


Insecure, vulnerable populations are easily exploited by a range of predators and need protection in the aftermath of a major shock event. A “wake force” is tailored for human security and population protection tasking. It is envisioned as a type of infantry-based peacekeeping unit, with a rough composition of at least 40 percent males and 40 percent females. It would include a range of specialists in health and care for highly vulnerable and often traumatized populations.

Depending on the situation, the wake force could work in tandem with traditional policing or military capabilities, or it could be conceived as being an element that comes in after initial policing or military security operations have been conducted (much like the wake of a boat, for which the wake force gets its name). Considering conflict in megacities, the wake force might have a role in establishing safe spaces or evacuation corridors.

Examples of the scope of work assigned to the wake force include:

  • Population protection
  • Human trafficking, slavery, and pedophile rings
  • Critical and emergency governance, infrastructure, and environmental considerations
  • Emergency justice, legal, and policing support
  • Humanitarian assistance and disaster response
  • Urban operations
  • Social media and multimedia
  • Racial or LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex)-related violence or hate crimes
  • Detainee management
  • Women, peace, and security
  • Sexual violence in conflict
  • Care ethics and relations of care
  • Human terrain issues
  • Child soldier
Marine Corps University