
Research and Sponsored Projects
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Marine Corps University
Quantico, Virginia

Information and point of contact information for required research reviews is available on MCU's Human Subjects Research and Survey Program Review intranet page. The topics addressed include:

  • Human Subjects Research

  • Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)

  • Institutional Review Board (IRB)

  • Survey Program

Policies and Procedures

Questions on the topics below should be directed to the Office of the Provost:

  • Data Sharing Requirements and Restrictions

  • Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Requirements

  • Pre-publication Review

  • Research Misconduct

  • Research Policies

  • Responsible Conduct of Research (ROR)

  • Qualitative Data Repository (QDR)

  • Sponsored Projects Policies and Procedures

Extramural Research

Extramural researchers, including MCU personnel who are pursuing research as part of their studies at an external institution should use the below information.

Extramural Researchers

MCU does allow extramural research when supportable and conducted within required policies. Research is considered extramural when it involves an individual, group, or entity from outside MCU seeking to conduct research using:

(1) MCU personnel or students as participants

(2) MCU facilities and/or

(3) MCU data.

Basic requirements are listed below. Contact MCU’s Director of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning for more information.

MCU Personnel/Students Conducting Research

MCU personnel or students conducting research as part of their studies at an external college or university may be categorized as extramural researchers even if they have their MCU supervisor’s support for the project. Contact MCU’s Director of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning for more information.

Basic requirements for extramural research access

1. IRB/HRPP approval from your home institution. If your project is not human subjects research, you must submit a formal letter of determination from your IRB/HRPP.

2. Approval from the director or dean of the MCU schools and directorates where participants will be recruited, data will be requested, facilities will be used, and/or support will be requested (required prior to Marine Corps reviews). Information on the university's organization can be found in MCU's Factbook.

  • Note:  MCU is not staffed to assist external researchers in the execution of their projects. Requests for support beyond basic assistance, such as circulating an email with participant recruiting information and allowing personnel time to participate, are approved only under unusual circumstances. 

3. Endorsement from Commanding General, MCU (required prior to Marine Corps reviews)

4. Administrative Review by Marine Corps HRPP

5. Review by the Marine Corps Survey Program - for surveys, interviews, and focus groups involving 10 or more active duty or reserve Marines or Marine Corps government civilians. 

Marine Corps University does not control the processes or timelines associated with reviews by the Marine Corps HRPP or Marine Corps Survey Program. Extramural researchers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these programs prior to starting the process. 


Marine Corps University