The protection of the rights and welfare of research volunteers is an acknowledged and accepted command responsibility. Any research conducted at or sponsored by MCU must be in compliance with Marine Corps procedures and federal law regarding human subjects research. Methods involving gathering information from/about people may be required to undergo review by the Marine Corps’ Institutional Review Board (IRB) and/or other review processes.
Any MCU students, faculty, or staff should contact MCU’s IRB Vice Chair early in the planning phase, if they are considering research involving:
Focus Groups,
Secondary Data Sets with Private Identifiable Information That Are Not Publicly Available
Additional information about the Marine Corps Human Research Protection Program (HRPP), including MCU’s point of contact, policies, and forms, is available at MCU’s intranet on the Human Subjects Research and Survey Program Review page.
Extramural researchers seeking to conduct projects involving MCU personnel, students, spaces, or data should refer to the Extramural Research page.
For students with specialized research design needs, such as survey or interview protocols or use of qualitative and statistical analysis tools, MCU will attempt to link them to internal and external Marine Corps scholars/scientists who can assist them on an individual basis. This support is provided through a network of volunteer scholars/scientists in MCU and not all types of expertise may be available at a particular point in time. For more information, contact