
Research Topic Submissions
Marine Corps University Logo
Marine Corps University
Quantico, Virginia
Academic Year 2022-2023

Each spring, Marine Corps University (MCU) solicits student research topics for the coming Academic Year (AY) from Marine Corps and Joint organizations. The resulting topic list is made available to all MCU students and Marine students at other institutions and is submitted to the JPME Prospective Research Topics Database and NPS Athena platform. The list also is available to MCU’s faculty and Marine Corps fellows. Students are not required to select topics from the list. Those who do are encouraged to coordinate with the topic point of contact throughout the research process.

Note: Because of the wide distribution of the topic list, information provided in this form must be unclassified-unlimited distribution. If CUI or classified information is necessary to describe the topic, contact MCU ( to arrange an alternative submission process. Questions about this process or form can be directed to MCU’s Director of Research, Dr. Kerry Fosher, at or 703-424-6904.



June 20, 2022 is the deadline to submit a topic for inclusion in the AY 2022-2023. After 20 June 2022, topics submitted will be included in the AY 2023-2024 list.

Submissions also may be made using the fillable pdf version of this form. Please send completed forms to

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Each spring, Marine Corps University (MCU) solicits student research topics for the coming Academic Year (AY) from Marine Corps and Joint organizations. The resulting topic list is made available to all MCU students and Marine students at other institutions and is submitted to the JPME Prospective Research Topics Database. The list also is available to MCU’s faculty and Marine Corps fellows. Students are not required to select topics from the list. Those who do are encouraged to coordinate with the topic point of contact throughout the research process.

Note: Because of the wide distribution of the topic list, information provided in this form must be unclassified- unlimited distribution. If CUI or classified information is necessary to describe the topic, contact MCU ( to arrange an alternative submission process.

Questions about this process or form can be directed to MCU’s Director of Research. Dr. Kerry Fosher at or 703-424-6904.



June 20, 2022 is the deadline to submit a topic for inclusion in the Academic Year 2022-2023. Topics also can be accepted at any time for inclusion in the list for the next Academic Year.


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Point of Contact Information


Topic Information

Provide a detailed description of the topic, any related context, and desired outcomes to best facilitate student understanding and topic selection.

Marine Corps University