
Military Equal Opportunity Program (MEO)

MEO is a function of command. Marine Corps leaders must ensure their people are well-led and cared for physically, emotionally, and spiritually, in and out of combat. The Equal Opportunity Representative (EOR) assists the commander in handling complaints and assessing the command climate.


Prohibited Activities and Conduct (PAC)

MCO 5354.1F governs the PAC program and provides in-depth information about complain procedures and definitions. PAC violations include bullying, harassment, prohibited discrimination, hazing, sexual harassment, or wrongful distribution or broadcasting of intimate images. Prohibited discrimination is based upon race, creed, color, sex (including pregnancy), religion, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

Service members may contact the EOR, Gunnery Sergeant Harrer, for information regarding filing a complaint. Formal complaints are submitted using NAVMC 11512. Complainants have the option of submitting via the chain of command, EOR, or Inspector General.

EOR Phone: (703) 432-0448

Civilian Marines

Civilian Marines may contact the EEO office listed below for information regarding EEO complaints, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Reasonable Accommodations, and Personal Assistive Services. The website listed can also provide some additional EEO information.


MCB Quantico EEO Office
Marine Corps Association Building Annex
715A Broadway Street, 1st Floor
Quantico, VA, 22134
Phone: (703) 784-4772

Marine Corps University