
Marine Corps University Press

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Marine Corps University
Quantico, Virginia

Appendix A

Glossary of Terms

Maj Corydon Cusack, USMC




Expeditionary forces must adapt to dynamic combat situations and physical environments and exercise control through a flexible, adaptable decision-making process. Expeditionary energy water and waste (E2W2) capabilities reduce the Marine air-ground task force’s (MAGTF) load, minimize its logistics burden, and maximize autonomy to enable commanders to quickly exploit opportunities in multifaceted and ever-changing environments. Measures include energy considerations that factor into materiel requirements and planning and operations; reduction in individual equipment through use of unique power sources; improved fuel efficiency; and doctrine and policies that incorporate energy efficiency as an enabler of combat effectiveness.


Classes of supply

A common military lexicon that divides 10 types of logistical support. Notably, Class III is labeled POL (petroleum, oil, and lubricants), commonly referred to as fuel.


Combat operations center (COC)

A military outpost; typically expeditionary tents outfitted with computers and tracking boards that are required to create a tactical picture of the operating environment, to receive information, and to analyze information to provide command, control, and support.



An organization framework that is required to implement military changes. This includes doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy.


Expeditionary advanced base operations (EABO)

A form of expeditionary warfare that involves the employment of naval expeditionary forces that are mobile, low-signature, persistent, and relatively easy to maintain and sustain from a series of austere, temporary locations ashore or inshore within a contested or potentially contested maritime area to conduct sea denial, sea control, or fleet sustainment operations.



The U.S. Marine Corps is an expeditionary, sea-based force. To the Marine Corps, expeditionary means being fast, lethal, and austere. Marine forces require capabilities that allow rapid global deployment to a wide range of environments and a high degree of self-sufficiency to conduct operations in ungoverned spaces. The desired outcome is to employ task-organized MAGTFs with E2W2 capabilities that increase combat effectiveness by reducing the need for logistics support to forces ashore and the logistics burden on those forces within their areas of responsibility. Measures include the reduction in the amount of energy required to sustain a MAGTF ashore and the time to gain and maintain water self-sufficiency.



A maritime movement characteristic describing vertical up-and-down movement.



Interoperable systems and doctrine are critical to Joint operations. The Marine Corps must build E2W2 capabilities that can efficiently transition from MAGTF expeditionary operations, to Joint and commercial operational energy capability sets in enduring operations, to host nation support. The desired outcome is continuity of operations and unity of effort when transitioning from early to later operational phases, which is accomplished through the development of both an interoperable mindset and technologies. Measures include coordinated, scalable planning and design to supply conventional, renewable, and alternative energy, waste-to-energy, and water capabilities that optimize inter- and intra-Service capabilities.


Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV)

The replacement vehicle for the High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV). The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) is a flagship vehicle of the light vehicle family. It boasts more survivability, maintains a higher payload capacity, and comes in multiple variants to increase capability sets.


Joint Precision Airdrop System (JPADS)

A military parachute system used to airdrop supplies. Specially, this system utilizes the Global Positioning System (GPS) to drop resupply packages from a high altitude and high offset from the objective to increase survivability, while boasting an ability to conduct precise landings at exact desired locations.


Kilowatt (kW)

The power industry standard title for a unit of energy equal to 1,000 watts of power.


Kilowatt hour (kWh)

The amount of energy it takes run a 1-kilowatt (kW) system for one hour, equal to 3.6 megajoules (MJ).


Legacy logistics

A general term used to describe a traditional supply chain that is reliant on the military industrial complex, whereby supplies are developed in mass by national industry and then delivered from factories to the battlefield in large vessels and vulnerable convoys. Typically, this term is tied to fossil fuel sustainment and requires regular resupplies to a dangerous military front line.


Levelized cost of energy (LCOE)

Expenses surrounding power production, including research and design, field testing, manufacturing, maintenance, and conversion.


Limited Duty Officer (LDO)

An officer in the U.S. Navy or Marine Corps, typically a lieutenant/captain (O-3), lieutenant commander/major (O-4), or commander/lieutenant colonel (O-5), who operates in a specific field of expertise with an expert skill set.



Relating to an area along the shore of a body of water.


Marine expeditionary unit (MEU)

A small MAGTF aboard naval amphibious shipping, poised to project power rapidly in support of crisis response or conflict.


Marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) energy

A renewable power source that is harnessed from the natural movement of water, including waves, tides, and river and ocean currents.


Marine littoral regiment (MLR)

The smallest MAGTF, the Marine littoral regiment (MLR) is a Marine Corps formation designed to persist within an adversary’s weapons engagement zone to conduct EABO in support of fleet operations. The MLR consists of four units: a headquarters staff, a littoral combat team, a littoral antiair battalion, and a littoral logistics battalion.


Megawatt (MW)

The power industry standard title for a unit of energy equal to 1,000 kilowatts of power. 


Military occupational specialty (MOS)

A specific job or career field assigned to a military servicemember that is tied to a three- or four-character designation code.



A maritime movement characteristic describing rotation about a horizontal axis that causes the front and back of a device to oscillate up and down.


Power takeoff (PTO) unit

A process of converting mechanical wave or tidal motion energy into useable electricity via direct-drive, hydraulic, hydro, or pneumatic means.


Renewable energy

Energy derived from natural sources that is replenished at a higher rate than it is consumed.



A maritime movement characteristic describing rotation about a horizontal axis that causes a device to rock from side to side.



Highly decentralized operations demand mobile forces that employ scalable E2W2 systems and provide commanders the ability to adjust the capability scale depending on the size and application of the force or the specific operational environment. The desired outcome is an E2W2 capability set that possesses task-organized, multipurpose capabilities with sufficient capacity to accomplish the broad range of tasks across the range of military operations (ROMO). These measures include the ability to rapidly transition across the ROMO and efficiently employ E2W2 capabilities at all levels of the MAGTF, the flexibility to adjust those capabilities to changes in task organization and operational plans, and the versatility to employ multiple power sources and indigenous energy and water sources.



A maritime movement characteristic describing horizontal movement parallel to wave direction.



A maritime movement characteristic describing horizontal movement perpendicular to wave direction.


Table of organization and equipment (TO&E)

A document that outlines a specific military unit’s personnel and equipment staffing and strength. It also provides an outline of unit mission, capability, and status.


Tidal energy converter (TEC)

A device emplaced in a body of water that physically captures the kinetic tidal energy of moving water and converts it into usable mechanical energy. Examples include crossflow turbines, horizontal axis turbines, vertical axis turbines, oscillating hydrofoils, tidal lagoons, and tidal barges.


Tidal power density (TPD)

The measure of potential mechanical energy that is derived from tidal sources in a particular region. TPD may come from tidal streams in an undersea current flow or via tidal range in the fluctuation of a body of water during high tide (flood) and low tide (ebb).


Ultralight tactical vehicle

The designation for the smallest military vehicles. Ultralight tactical vehicles typically refer to the utility task vehicle (UTV), more commonly known as the Polaris MRZR, a small off-road vehicle.


Wave energy converter (WEC)

A device emplaced in a body of water that physically captures the kinetic wave energy of moving water and converts it into usable mechanical energy. Examples include point absorbers, floating devices, oscillating water surge devices, submerged pressure differentials, overtopping terminators, and attenuators.


Weapons engagement zone (WEZ)

A combatant’s maximum effective missile firing range; the maximum range at which a combatant can detect adversary forces and effectively employ missiles against them.



A maritime movement characteristic describing rotation about a vertical axis.