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Middle East Studies Insights

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Marine Corps University Press
Quantico, Virginia

Published bi-monthly since January 2010 as the newsletter of MES, MES Insights features short analytical pieces as well as information on events organized by MES and provides a forum for debate with our readers.

With the 13th volume, Middle East Studies at the Krulak Center partnered with Marine Corps University Press. MES continues to create varied publications and maintains editorial control over these works. MCUP, serving as an open dialogue between scholars, policy makers, analysts, and military leaders and crossing civilian-military boundaries to advance knowledge and solve problems, will be publishing these products. This partnership will allow MES to expand its reach and readership and capitalize on MCUP’s expertise while opening MCUP to a wider network of scholarship, research, and professional military education communities. We are thankful to all the authors and supporters of MES publications during the past 12 years and look forward to continued contributions to and support of these efforts.


James Harvey, "The Russo-Ukrainian War’s Effects on Russian-Iranian Relations," MES Insights, vol. 15, no. 6.


October 2024

Amin Tarzi, "Israel-Iran Conflict: A Change in Iran's Strategic Assessment?" MES Insights, vol. 15, no. 5.


august 2024

Mehran Atashjameh, "Passive Defense Measures in Saving Iran’s Ballistic Missile Arsenal," MES Insights, vol. 15, no.


june 2024

Amin Tarzi, "ISKP Moving beyond Khorasan: Threats to the U.S.Homeland," MES Insights, vol. 15, no. 3A
Christopher Anzalone, "Security Challenges of African VEOs: A Bird's-Eye View," MES Insights, vol. 15, no. 3B


APRIL 2024

Victoria Clement, "Russia's Growing Presence in Africa: Mercenaries, Minerals, and Morality," MES Insights, vol. 15, no. 2



Alex Vatanka, "Ali Khamenei's Sham Elections," MES Insights, vol. 15, no. 1

Archived Issues

Volume 14 (2023)

Issue 1: China's Engagement in Africa
Issue 2: The War in Ukraine
Issue 3: China's Engagement in Africa (part 2)
Issue 4: Strengthening the Brittle Rare Earth Element Supply Chain Amid Revisionist Alignment
Issue 5: The War in Gaza
Issue 6: Excommunicating Hamas

Volume 13 (2022)

Issue 1: Islamic State (ISIS) From the Peripheries
Issue 2: Society-Centric Warfare: Lessons from Afghanistan and Ukraine
Issue 3: Engaging Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean during a Time of Crisis
Issue 4: Russia's New Maritime Doctrine
Issue 5: Protests in Iran: Rejection of the Nezam
Issue 6: Possibilities for Human-Centric Sino-American Collaboration in Pakistan

Volume 12 (2021)

Issue 1: Projecting Power: Proto-State-Building by Sunni Islamist Rebel Groups
Issue 2: Israeli-Emirati Relations and the Iranian Challenge
Issue 3: Dragon Rising?: Evaluating Chinese Power in the Horn of Africa
Issue 4: Dangers of Afghanistan Obliviousness in U.S. Professional Military Education
Issue 5: Specters of the Past, Prospects for the Future? Russian Engagement in the Horn of Africa
Issue 6: Lebanon's Total Collapse: Challenges, Implications, and Recommendations for U.S. Foreign Policy

Volume 11 (2020)

Issue 1:  Turkey and Russia: A Relationship of Convenience, or a New Strategic Alliance?
Issue 2:  COVID-19 and the Arab World: Opportunity for Russian Anti-American Disinformation?
Issue 3:  Turkish Ambitions in the Mediterranean: Towards an Acceleration of Naval Frictions with Europe?
Issue 4:  Argument for Small U.S. Military Presence in Afghanistan
Issue 5:  Capernaum, a Centurion, and Cultural Learning

Volume 10 (2019)

Issue 1: Russia and Turkey: A New Alignment?
Issue 2: Revisiting Revolutionary Slogans in Iran Forty Years Later
Issue 3: The Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF): Shifting the Regional Balance of Power from Land to Sea
Issue 4: Innovation in the Battlefield in Iraq
Issue 5: Turkey: A Bridge or Break?
Issue 6: Major Power Competition in Troubled Waters of the Middle East

Volume 9 (2018)

Issue 1: Israel’s Cognitive War
Issue 2: After the Iran Protests
Issue 3: Turkey: Between Competition and Cooperation
Issue 4: Planning for the Gray Zone: The Yemen Quagmire
Issue 5: How Sanctions on Iran Strengthen Russia
Issue 6: Iran: Building Bridges and Widening Gulfs

Volume 8 (2017)

Issue 1: Continuity, Change, and the Islamic Republic of Iran
Issue 2: Iran and Russia Reenter the Afghan Conflict
Issue 3: Houthi Expansionism, Internal War, Geopolitics, and the Yemen Quagmire
Issue 4: From Wolf Pack to Lone Wolf: The Retreating Islamic State’s Radicalized Strategy to Exist beyond Territoriality
Issue 5: Back to the Future: Trump’s Emerging Iran “Strategy”
Issue 6: The Trajectory of the Iranian Military

Volume 7 (2016)

Issue 1: Ruhani's Long-Term Game-Plan
Issue 2: Was the Egyptian Coup "Exceptional"?
Issue 3: Democracy, Autocracy, and US Policy in the Arab World: The Return of Realism?
Issue 4: Politico-Psychological Analysis of the Recent Terrorist Attacks in Turkey: An Insider’s View
Issue 5: El Camino and the Way Ahead in the Persian Gulf
Issue 6: Russian Foreign Policy in the Middle East 2015-2016: Pushing on an Open Door

Volume 6 (2015)

Issue 1: Avoiding Yemen’s Abyss
Issue 2: Future of Nonproliferation after a Nuclear Deal with Iran
Issue 3: We like democracy, but elections ruined it: Thoughts on Democratization in Afghanistan after 2014
Issue 4: The Mediterranean Migration Crisis
Issue 5: Get Saleh
Issue 6: U.S. Democratization Efforts in the Broader Middle East

Volume 5 (2014)

Issue 1: Syria’s Civil War: No Resolution in Sight
Issue 2: Future of Direction of Afghanistan: A Look Into History
Issue 3: Showcasing Saudi Arabia’s Missiles: Connecting the Dots
Issue 4: MES to Focus on Democracy and Democratization in the MENA
Issue 5: A Third Inning Ending to the Game in Afghanistan?
Issue 6: Houthi Advances in Yemen Pose Security Dilemma for the U.S.

Volume 4 (2013)

Issue 1: U.S. Strategy Pivot to Asia. But Where in Asia?
Issue 2: Transition in Afghanistan: Lessons from the Past
Issue 3: Comparing the Final Days of the Communist Regime in Afghanistan with America’s Drawdown
Issue 4: Improving VSO
Issue 5: The Safeguard of the Iranian Regime: Nuclear Weapons Program
Issue 6: In Yemen, If Not Drones, Then What?

Volume 3 (2012)

Issue 1: Ankara Moves Closer to Washington: How the Arab Spring Warmed U.S.-Turkish Relations
Issue 2: U.S., Israel and Arab Gulf Perceptions of Iranian Threats
Issue 3: Winter or Spring: Islamists, the Military, and Post-Revolution Politics in Egypt
Issue 4: Iran’s Policies Towards Afghanistan
Issue 5: Bahrain’s New Security State Breeds Instability
Issue 6: Egypt’s Democratic Process Among the Victims of the Gaza Conflict

Volume 2 (2011)

Issue 1: Can Democracy in Afghanistan Survive the Growing Pains?
Issue 2: To the Shores of Tripoli?
Issue 3: 
The Middle East: Bracing for a New Wave of Nuclear Proliferation?
Issue 4: Afghanistan’s Presidential Election of 2014
Issue 5: Iran’s Internal Dynamics
Issue 6: Transition in the Arab World and Saudi Arabia’s Role

Volume 1 (2010)

Issue 1: Iran at a Crossroad
Issue 2: ANA Visitors Suggest Constructive Steps During Meeting with MES
Issue 3: The Kabul Conference
Issue 4: Just Another Election?
Issue 5: How Strong is Al-Qaida Today?
Issue 6: Village Stability Operations and the Security Transition in Afghanistan

ISSN 2831-2899 (online)
ISSN 2831-2872 (print)