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Marine Corps University Press
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Marine Corps University
Quantico, Virginia

6 x 9 paperback
288 pages
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Women, Peace, and Security in Professional Military Education 

Edited by Lauren Mackenzie, PhD, and Lieutenant Colonel Dana Perkins, PhD

DOI: 10.56686/9798985340365


The Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Agenda is a global framework and policy tool that guides national actions addressing gender inequalities and the drivers of conflict and its impact on women and girls. By fostering structural and institutional change, the WPS agenda aims to 1) prevent conflict and all forms of violence against women and girls and 2) ensure the inclusion and participation of women in peace and security decision-making processes to incorporate their specific needs in relief and recovery situations. This volume gathers together student papers from the Joint Women, Peace, and Security Academic Forum's 2021 WPS in PME Writing Award program, a best-of selection of informative and empowering work that intersects with Department of Defense equities supporting global WPS principles. Student participants in the Joint WPS Academic Forum hail from prestigious DOD academic institutions, and this monograph shows how the strategic leaders of tomorrow embrace WPS today, offering a strong indication of how WPS principles will be implemented over time and how they will influence the paradigm of peace and security and our approaches to conflict prevention and resolution.


Dr. Lauren Mackenzie is Marine Corps University’s Professor of Military Cross-Cultural Competence. She also chairs the Marine Corps University faculty council and serves as an adjunct professor of military/emergency medicine at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland. She earned her master of arts and doctorate in communication from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and has taught intercultural and interpersonal communication courses throughout the DOD for the past 12 years. Dr. Mackenzie leads the MCU Women, Peace & Security Scholars Program, and her research is devoted to the impact of cultural differences on difficult conversations. She has written a range of articles and book chapters pertaining to end-of-life communication, relationship repair strategies, and, most recently, the role of failure in education. She is coeditor with Dr. Kerry B. Fosher of the 2021 book Rise and Decline of U.S. Military Culture Programs: 2004–20 (MCU Press) and is the 2020 civilian recipient of the Marine Corps University Rose Award for Teaching Excellence.

Lieutenant Colonel Dana Perkins is a U.S. Army Reserve 71A/microbiologist serving as the director for Women, Peace, and Security Studies with the Office of the Provost, U.S. Army War College, in an Individual Mobilization Augmentee position. She has a doctorate in pharmacology and experimental therapeutics from the University of Maryland in Baltimore and she was awarded the D1 (Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Advisor) and D7 (Strategic Studies) Additional Skill Identifiers, as well as a D7A (Defense Support to Civilian Authorities) Personnel Development Skill Identifier. She is a graduate of JS J5 Operationalizing WPS L100 and L200 courses for gender focal points and gender advisors, respectively. In her civilian capacity, Dr. Perkins serves as a senior science advisor with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.



by Lieutenant Colonel Dana Perkins, PhD, USAR

PART I. Implementing and Incorporating a Gender Perspective

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Closing the Capability Gap

by Lieutenant Colonel Ellen I. Coddington, USA

Chapter 3. A Strategic Imperative

by Commander Kristen Vechinski, USN

Chapter 4. A Kotter Approach for Geographic Combatant Commands by Colonel Steven J. Siemonsma, ARNG

Chapter 5. Conclusion

by Colonel Douglas Winton, USA

PART II. Gender Neutrality

Gender-Neutral Physical Fitness Tests and the Integration of Women in Combat Arms Occupations

by Second Lieutenant Elizavetta Fursova

PART III. Gender and Violence

Breaking a Vicious Cycle: Systemic Endorsement of Violence Against Women in El Salvador

by Captain Elizabeth Jane Garza-Guidara, USAF

PART IV. Professional Military Education

The Strategic Centrality of Women, Peace, and Security: A Call to Mainstream in Professional Military Education

by Lieutenant Colonel Casey M. Grider, USAF

PART V. Vietnam

The Nexus of Climate Change, Migration, and Human Trafficking

by Ms. Amy Patel

PART VI. Hegemonic Masculinity

The Effect of Hegemonic Masculinities on the Endemic of Sexual Misconduct in the U.S. Army

by Major Sarah E. Salvo, USA

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Chapter 3. Research Methodology

Chapter 4. Analysis

Chapter 5. Conclusions and Recommendations

PART VII. Advising with Gendered Perspectives

Bridging the Gap toward a Gendered Perspective in Security Force Advising

by Lieutenant Colonel Natalie Trogus, USMC

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Background on UNSCR 1325 Women, Peace, and Security

Chapter 3. Advising in Wartime: A Foreign Policy Tool

Chapter 4. Advising Afghan Security Institutions and Afghan National Defense and Security Forces

Chapter 5. Recommendations and Conclusions

PART VIII. Implementing Women, Peace, and Security

Operationalizing Women, Peace, and Security in the Armed Sevices: Army Strategic Implementation Plan

by Major Danielle Villanueva, USA

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Chapter 3. Background of WPS in the Unites States

Chapter 4. WPS Implementation: The Australian Defence Force

Chapter 5. U.S. Army WPS Implementation Plan: Recommended Framework

Chapter 6. Conclusion and Research Recommendations


by Lauren Mackenzie, PhD


Appendix A. Setting the Example

Appendix B. Advising Project Interview

Appendix C. Integrating WPS into PME

WPS Chronology

Glossary of Key WPS Concepts and Terms

Selected Bibliography

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