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Marine Corps University Press

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Marine Corps University
Quantico, Virginia

5 x 8 paperback
208 pages
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What It Means to Be a Man

How to Become a Better Person

Major General Bill Mullen (Ret)

DOI: 10.56686/9798985340464



We all have flaws because, as humans, we are all inherently fallible. If we can focus on becoming better people in life, it will likely help mitigate that fallibility. What It Means to Be a Man focuses on the concept that if all young Marines internalize the words and thoughts here, and use them to not only be better Marines but more importantly, better people, then we can be a much better Service overall. The U.S. Marine Corps and the American people have invested so much time, effort, and money into them that they are more than worth the effort to make them better people now but also when they take off the uniform and return to civilian society.



Chapter 1. Self-Discipline

Chapter 2. Good Deeds 

Chapter 3. A Professional Attitude

Chapter 4. Excelling versus Competing 

Chapter 5. Character Matters 

Chapter 6. Resist Peer Pressure

Chapter 7. Get Back Up

Chapter 8. Other People’s Opinions

Chapter 9. “Ego Is the Enemy” 

Chapter 10. Think Critically

Chapter 11. Listen

Chapter 12. The Golden Rule

Chapter 13. Smile

Chapter 14. Mentoring

Parting Thoughts