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Marine Corps University Press
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Marine Corps University
Quantico, Virginia

8.5 x 11 casebound
360 pages
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U.S. Marines and Irregular Warfare, 1898-2007 

Anthology and Selected Bibliography

Edited by Colonel Stephen S. Evans

This anthology presents a collection of 27 articles on counterinsurgency warfare and includes a broad bibliography that collectively describe the role played by the United States in various counterinsurgency and irregular warfare efforts from 1898 until 2007, with a particular emphasis on the role of the Marine Corps in the conduct of such efforts. Like other previously published USMC History Division anthologies on earlier wars, the purpose of this volume is to provide readers with a general overview and introduction to the topic of counterinsurgency and irregular warfare. Designed essentially as a primer, this volume is intended to serve as an initial educational resource that provides Marine officers and other national security professionals with the historical basis for modern-day USMC counterinsurgency strategy and operational doctrine.

Colonel Stephen S. Evans, USMCR, researched and compiled this work as a field historian with the Marine Corps History Division. He has experience at various operational levels, both joint and multinational, in the continental United States and overseas, and has performed duty with all three Marine Expeditionary Forces, Marine Forces Atlantic, Marine Forces Europe, and U.S. Forces Korea. He has also held a range of positions in administrative and educational roles at Quantico and the Pentagon. Colonel Evans holds a doctor- ate in history from Temple University and has published two historical monographs.


Part I. Counterinsurgency Doctrine and Theory

Insurgency: Modern Warfare Evolves into a Fourth Generation

Thomas X. Hammes

Back to the Street Without Joy: Counterinsurgency Lessons from Vietnam and Other Small Wars

Robert M. Cassidy 

Countering Irregular Threats: A Comprehensive Approach

Marine Corps Combat Development Command 

Part II. Philippine Insurrection, 1899–1902

Lessons from a Successful Counterinsurgency: The Philippines, 1899–1902

Timothy K. Deady

We Will Go Heavily Armed: The Marines’ Small War on Samar, 1901–1902

Brian McAllister Linn

Part III. Nicaragua, 1909–1933

Airpower and Restraint in Small Wars: Marine Corps Aviation in the Second Nicaraguan Campaign, 1927–1933

Wray R. Johnson

U.S. Marines and Miskito Indians: The Rio Coco Patrol in 1928

David C. Brooks

Lessons from Yesterday’s Operations Short of War: Nicaragua and the Small Wars Manual

Richard J. Macak Jr.

Part IV. Haiti, 1915–1934

The American Occupation of Haiti: Problems and Programs, 1920–1928

Robert Debs Heinl Jr. and Nancy Gordon Heinl

Administering the Protectorates: The U.S. Occupation of Haiti and the Dominican Republic

Richard Millett and G. Dale Gaddy

Part V. Dominican Republic, 1916–1924

Caudillos and Gavilleros versus the United States Marines: Guerrilla Insurgency During the Dominican Intervention, 1916–1924

Bruce J. Calder

Cacos and Caudillos: Marines and Counterinsurgency in Hispanolia, 1915–1924

Graham A. Cosmas

Part VI. Vietnam

A Feather in Their Cap? The Marines’ Combined Action Program in Vietnam

Lawrence A. Yates

CORDS/Phoenix: Counterinsurgency Lessons from Vietnam for the Future

Dale Andrade and James H. Wilbanks

Part VII. Global War on Terrorism: Overview and Strategy

Challenges in Fighting a Global Insurgency

David W. Barno

Countering Evolved Insurgent Networks

Thomas X. Hammes

Advances in Predeployment Culture Training: The U.S. Marine Corps Approach

Barak A. Salmoni

Part VIII. Islamism, Islamists, and Insurgency

A Clash of Systems: An Analytical Framework to Demystify the Radical Islamist Threat

Andrew Harvey, Ian Sullivan, and Ralph Groves

The Concept and Practice of Jihad in Islam

Michael G. Knapp

Part IX. Afghanistan

Understanding the Taliban and Insurgency in Afghanistan

Thomas H. Johnson and M. Chris Mason

Afghanistan Four Years On: An Assessment

Sean M. Maloney

Part X. Iraq

Assessing Iraq’s Sunni Arab Insurgency

Michael Eisenstadt and Jeffrey White

Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Iraq

Steven Metz

Part XI. Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) and the Horn of Africa

Around the Horn

David J. Danelo

The War on Terrorism in the Horn of Africa

Tom Duhs

Recognizing Somaliland: Forward Step in Countering Terrorism?

Kurt Shillinger

Fighting Terrorism in East Africa and the Horn

David H. Shinn

Selected Bibliography

Marine Corps University