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Marine Corps University Press

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Marine Corps University
Quantico, Virginia

6 x 9 paperback
72 pages
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New Approaches to Nonstate Armed Actors

Edited by Kenneth H. Williams



For as long as governments have existed, groups have been forming to oppose them. The twenty-first century has brought newly emerging insurgent or terrorist groups that are often more sophisticated than their predecessors. New Approaches to Nonstate Armed Actors presents leading experts in the field discussing the challenges associated with confronting such groups, including engagement, negotiation, de-radicalization, and intervention. Organizations addressed range from current operations such as Hezbollah, Hamas, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and Mexican drug cartels to groups like the Irish Republican Army that are now a part of history. In addition to the presentations below, the book also includes a panel discussion with the participants moderated by Roger Hardy.



Introduction—New Approaches to Nonstate Armed Actors

Kenneth H. Williams, Marine Corps University Press

Chapter 1. Negotiating with Terrorists

Mitchell B. Reiss, Washington College

Chapter 2. State versus Nonstate Interventions in Fragile States

David Kilcullen, Caerus Associates/CNAS

Chapter 3. What are Our Objectives with Nonstate Actors?

Robert Malley, International Crisis Group

Chapter 4. De-radicalization and Disengagement Programs

Peter R. Neumann, King’s College London

Chapter 5. Discussion of New Approaches to Nonstate Armed Actors

Moderated by Roger Hardy, London School of Economics