The Military Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Amplifying Research Findings from the Fourth MSOTL Forum
Edited by Lauren Mackenzie, PhD, and Megan J. Hennessey, PhD
DOI: 10.56686/9798987336243
The Military Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (MSOTL) field offers meaningful methods for educators to advocate for evidence-informed teaching, learning, and curriculum development on a global scale. The chapters included in this edited volume highlight such practices and measures and, in doing so, create the kind of educational synergy that has been the hallmark of the MSOTL community since its first informal gathering in 2019. This initiative expanded the traditional SOTL emphasis on/by civilian universities to create space for a military perspective in this growing field. This edited volume represents a further broadening of the relevance and applicability of the scholarship of teaching and learning for the military educator. The chapters illustrate a unique set of academic disciplines (ranging from meteorology to military history), methodologies (qualitative and quantitative), and learning levels (ranging from the community colleges to top-level schools). These 13 chapters highlight the continued innovation undertaken by professionals from across the continuum of military learning to excel both in the content they teach and the ways in which they teach it.
Glossary of Terms
By Lauren Mackenzie, PhD
Part I. Community & Creativity
Chapter 1. From Mindset and Collaboration to Connections and Experience: Creating a Teaching and Learning Community of Practice in the U.S. Air Force Leadership and Innovation Institute
By John Hinck, PhD; Steven Davis, PhD; Robert Hinck, PhD; Sara Kitsch, PhD; Mary Bartlett, PhD; and Andy Clayton, EdD
Chapter 2. What Do Creative Problem-Solvers Need?
By Lieutenant Colonel Timothy A. Sparks (USMC), EdD
Chapter 3. Creative Community of Learners—the Auxiliary Engine to Andragogical Approaches: Case Studies from the French War College
By Emilie Cleret and Jerome Collin
Part 2. Training & Education Case Studies
Chapter 4. What Does English Have to Do with War?: Decreasing Writing Error Propensity in a Military Service Academy First-Year Composition Course
By Lieutenant Commander Philip Garrow (USN), EdD
Chapter 5. Closing the Gap between Intellect and Character in an Online Ethics Course
By Colonel Heather Smigowski (USA), PhD
Chapter 6. Localized Professional Development: Creating Base-Wide Solutions to a Military-Wide Problem
By Layton Graves, EdD
Chapter 7. Making the Case against Unimodal Instructional Strategies: A Qualitative Intrinsic Case Study within Instructor Upgrade Training
By Major Brad Kelly (USAF), EdD
Chapter 8. Generative AI in the PME Classroom: Lessons Learned
By Kristan J. Wheaton
Part 3. Assessment
Chapter 9. Enhancing Online PME Assessment: Design-Based Research for Rubric Development and Evaluation in the Global College of Professional Military Education
By Robert S. Nyland, PhD; and Carl P. Watts, PhD
Chapter 10. Experiments and Testing: Evidence-Based Instructional Strategies at the U.S. Naval Community College
By Charles B. Cushman Jr., PhD; Russell Evans; Daniel Goff; Scott Hamm, PhD; and Thomas Robertson
Chapter 11. Oral Comprehensive Exams: Lessons on the Assessment of Student Achievement of Program Learning Outcomes at the U.S. Army War College
By Colonel Christopher J. Hickey (USA), PhD; Professor Brett D. Weigle, EdD; and Professor Matthew C. Woessner, PhD
Chapter 12. Misconceptions among U.S. Air Force Academy Aviation Weather Cadets: An Exploratory and Validation Study Using a Survey of Meteorology Concepts
By Lieutenant Colonel Daniel O’Keefe (USAF), PhD; Major Louis J. Cascino (USA); Matthew Mynk; Senior Master Sergeant Nathaniel George (USAF); Major Christopher Francis (USAF); Wilson González-Espada, PhD; and Kimberly de La Harpe, PhD
Chapter 13. Data and Artificial Intelligence Literacy: Using Metrics and Experiential Learning to Inform Andragogy
By Kathleen Moore, PhD; and William Barry, PhD
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