Marines at War
Stories from Afghanistan and Iraq
Edited by Paolo G. Tripodi and Kelly Frushour
DOI: 10.56686/9780997317411
This book brings together the short stories of 10 Marines and a sailor who served in either Afghanistan or Iraq, some in both. The authors reflect on their time in combat, focusing on preparation, particular moments, and the lessons or conclusions drawn from their experiences. While every servicemember has a different story, and despite these remembrances being very personal, this collection represents and provides insight into the ordinary experiences of fellow Americans serving during an extraordinary set of circumstances.
Introduction: The Experience of Going to War
Paolo G. Tripodi
Chapter 1. Captain Doug Zembiec
SgtMaj William S. Skiles (Ret)
Chapter 2. The Unspoken Leadership Challenges of Command
Col Brian S. Christmas
Chapter 3. A Fellow Marine in Combat: My Brother
Capt Matthew C. Fallon
Chapter 4. The Cobra, the Convoy, and a Crisis of Faith
LtCol Wayne R. “Gonzo” Beyer Jr. (Ret)
Chapter 5. The Bastards’ Shepherd: A Navy Chaplain with 2d Battalion, 4th Marines, in ar-Ramadi, Iraq
Cdr Brian D. Weigelt, CHC, USN
Chapter 6. Trust Among . . . Allies?
SSgt Michael R. Moyer
Chapter 7. A Woman in Charge: A Civil Affairs Marine Team Leader in Afghanistan
Maj Aniela K. Szymanski (USMCR)
Chapter 8. Crowd Control
1stSgt Nicanor A. Galvan
Chapter 9. The Advisor
Col Daniel L. Yaroslaski
Chapter 10. A Logistician’s Preparation for Combat
LtCol Clifton B. Carpenter (Ret)
Chapter 11. A Perspective on Leadership Attributes in Combat
Maj Benjamin P. Wagner
References and Further Reading