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Marine Corps University Press

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Marine Corps University
Quantico, Virginia

7 x 10
96 pages
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Destination Unknown

vol. 1, Spring 2019
Brute Krulak Center of Innovation and Future Warfare


This is the first graphic novel used to explore the future of the Marine Corps written and illustrated by Marines. The stories in this graphic novel explore such topics as Marine- manned satellites, laser communication, and artificial intelligence (AI) selecting potential recruits and assisting Marine Corps Special Operations Command (MARSOC) operations in real time. By doing so in fictional comic book form, the results are far more accessible, inventive, and engaging than any white paper could be. 

1.   Third Eye Story and Illustrations by SSgt William Bradley
2.   A Matter of Instinct Story by Maj Timothy Riemann Illustrations by Cpl Jerrod Moore
3.   “The Best Seat in the House”: A Testimony for the Second Sino-American War Commission Story by 1st Lt Walker Mills Illustrations by Capt C. J. Baumann
4.   A Second Chance with ARIA Story by Maj Adam Yang Illustrations by Sgt Shannon Winslow
5.   The Last Fighter Pilots Story by Maj Sara Wood Illustrations by Sgt Reilly J. Wade