2044 Broadway Street
Third Floor
Quantico, VA 22134
Ms. Angela Anderson
Angela Anderson is the director of Marine Corps University Press (MCUP). MCUP publishes scholarly monographs and four journals: the Journal of Advanced Military Studies (JAMS), Marine Corps History, Expeditions with MCUP (digital), and MES Insights. Ms. Anderson directs and manages the acquisition, editing, design, and production of contemporary and military history monographs and scholarly journals for all MCUP imprints. She began working in publishing in 1992 and has spent the bulk of her career as an editor and designer working in the federal government and with university presses, including the University of Texas Press, Texas A&M University Press, Southern Illinois University Press, and University of Tennessee Press. She holds a BA in graphic design from the University of Texas at Austin and an MA in publishing from George Washington University.
Deputy Director/MCUP Managing Editor
Mr. Jason Gosnell
Jason Gosnell is the managing editor of Marine Corps University Press and JAMS. He is responsible for managing the editorial aspects of JAMS in addition to serving as the series editor for the Marines in the Vietnam War Commemorative Series. He has been assisting in managing the acquisitions process for the JAMS in lieu of an acquisitions editor. His background includes working as an editor in academic publishing at Kent State University Press and, more recently, as a managing editor at West Virginia University Press. Gosnell has a BA in English from Kent State University as well as a master’s of library and information sciences, with a focus on archives, from Kent State University.
Art Director
Mr. Robert Kocher
Robert Kocher is the senior designer for Marine Corps University Press. He has more than 20 years of design experience with an emphasis on publication design. Mr. Kocher is a graduate of the Corcoran College of Art & Design in Washington, DC, with a BFA in graphic design.
Managing Editor of Marine Corps History
Ms. Stephani Miller
Stephani L. Miller serves as the managing editor for Marine Corps History journal, managing the article acquisition and selection process, as well as editing manuscripts to adhere to the press’s editorial standards and the magazine’s mission. She has an extensive background in trade and commercial magazine publishing and has worked as both a writer and an editor in both. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English, focusing on technical writing and editing, with a minor in classical humanities.
Managing Editor of Expeditions with MCUP
Mr. Christopher N. Blaker
Christopher N. Blaker serves as the managing editor of the open-access, born-digital journal Expeditions with MCUP, as well as editing scholarly monographs and articles in MES Insights. He began working in publishing in 2015, with prior experience including serving as the managing editor of Michigan History magazine and as coeditor of the Marine Corps History Division anthology U.S. Marines in Afghanistan, 2010–2014. Mr. Blaker also writes extensively on American political and military history, with a focus on the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. He holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Albion College and a master’s degree in American history from Oakland University.
Designer (Web)
Mr. Jose Esquilin
Jose Esquilin is a visual information specialist for the Marine Corps University Press, specializing in web and book design. He retired from the U.S. Navy after serving 26 years on active duty. Mr. Esquilin transitioned from active duty to contract work in 2013, when he started as a graphic designer for the Center for Advanced Operational Culture Learning (CAOCL) until joining MCUP in 2019. In addition, he is a professional photographer specializing in portraits, sports, and photojournalism. Mr. Esquilin holds an MBA from Trident University, which he completed in 2010, and remains active through online accredited training to continue his proficiency in graphics and design.
Designer (Print)
Ms. Emily C. Howard
Emily C. Howard is a visual information specialist for Marine Corps University Press, specializing in book and journal design. She has a background in journalism and has held editorial positions for Daily Press and Navy Times, and most recently worked for George Mason University Press. She holds a bachelor's degree in classical studies from Christopher Newport University and is working on her master's degree in publishing at George Washington University.
Warehouse and Distribution Manager