
MCUP Boards


The MCUP editorial and advisory boards support the annual publishing efforts of MCUP by acting as a review and sounding board for projects and future topics of interest.


Sebastian J. Bae
Research Analyst & Wargame Designer
Center for Naval Analyses (CNA)

Dr. Kirklin J. Bateman
Chief Academic Officer
Expeditionary Warfare School
Marine Corps University

Dr. Jorge Benitez
Command and Staff College
Associate Professor of International Relations
Marine Corps University

Dr. Earl J. Catagnus Jr.
Assistant Teaching Professor of Information Sciences and Technology
Penn State Brandywine

Dr. Eliot Cohen
Dean, School of Advanced International Studies
Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Paul F. Diehl
Associate Provost and Director

Ashbel Smith Professor of Political Science
University of Texas-Dallas

Admiral James G. Foggo III (Ret)
U.S. Navy Sixth Fleet
U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa

Ambassador Thomas Graham Jr.
U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Executive Chairman, Lightbridge Corporation

Megan J. Hennessey, PhD
Director, Academic Support Division
Marine Corps University

Dr. Kristina Hook
Assistant Professor of Conflict Management 
School of Conflict Management, Peacebuilding, and Development
Kennesaw State University

Dr. Jennifer L. Mazzara
Independent Historian

Dr. Nathan R. Packard
Associate Professor of Military History
Command and Staff College
Marine Corps University



Colonel Christopher Woodbridge, USMC (Ret)
Editor, Marine Corps Gazette

Colonel Jon Sachrison, USMC (Ret)
Chief Operating Officer
Marine Corps University Foundation

Dr. Rebecca Johnson
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Marine Corps University

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