Tier 3-Lead Self & Lead Teams Seminars




Marine Corps Civilian Leadership Development seminars are managed and taught by the Lejeune Leadership Institute (LLI). The local installation Human Resources Development Strategic Advisors (HRD-SAs) announce and provide seminar information to the workforce about the upcoming seminars which focus on DoD leader competencies.

The Lead Self and Lead Teams seminars are three day courses that incorporate and stress individual leadership development concepts.  Seminar participants are provided relevant readings in preparation for the daily sessions. During each session, students explore various applications of leadership concepts through discussions, reflections, self introspection, critical thinking, problem solving and analytical skills that are needed for and by leaders. Each seminars is instructor led with student interaction and group work.

It is a three-day, seminar-based course, stressing individual leadership development concepts. The course framework consists of six four-hour seminar sessions spread over three days.  Students are provided selected leadership and other relevant readings in preparation for the daily sessions. During each session students explore various applications of leadership concepts through discussions; reflections, introspection of self, critical thinking, solutions-orientation and analysis skills needed for and by leaders. The seminar sessions are instructor lead facilitation with student interaction and group work to reinforce session learning objectives. The group activities are student led with presentations or feedback given to the seminar.

A)  Day One: Self Development and Decision Making

Session One: Developing the Leader Within

Purpose:  Students realize the power of taking responsibility for self-development and self-awareness. This session has students engage in reflection and introspection of self. Students use their critical thinking to analyze their personal strengths and weaknesses as they relate to one’s behavior and ability to lead self by developing a personal philosophy.   

Learning Objectives:
1. Define Self-Concept
2. Define leading self
3. Understand how to build one’s self leadership
4. Create a personal leadership philosophy

Session Two: Decision Making for Vision to Action

Purpose: The purpose of this session is to engage in action planning for self-direction and achievement by thinking, defining, and developing an action plan based off of a personal vision statement that specifically identifies and stresses individual goals at a personal and professional level.  It is a process of setting an action plan in place to achieve one’s vision of individual achievement. 

Learning Objectives:
1. Define and develop your personal vision statement
2. Identify and prioritize goals to achieve personal vision
3. Construct and apply an action plan

B)  Day Two:  Understanding Behavior and Self-Talk

Session Three: Behavioral Control and Perception

Purpose:  The purpose of this session is for students to engage with others using critical thinking to analyze their personal strengths and weaknesses as they relate to one’s behavior and ability to lead self.   Key to this understanding and exchange with fellow seminar students is their understanding of how one’s behavior and perceptions impact self-leadership. 

Learning Objectives:
1. Examine controls of self-behavior
2. Recognize your “locus of control”
3. Understand how perceptions influence relationships

Session Four:  Intrapersonal Communication

Purpose: The focus of this session is to develop the ability to lead self by understanding how intrapersonal communication impacts our ability to inspire ourselves to achieve our vision we began to develop in Session Two.

Learning Objectives:
1. Define and understand intrapersonal communication
2. Develop intrapersonal communication skills
3. Recognize inner resources to understand ourselves and other people

C)  Day Three:  Ethics and Reflections of Leadership Development

Session Five: Ethics and You

Purpose:  The purpose of this session is to analyze the role of ethics and values as they relate to civilian Marines in the workplace.  The primary outcome of this session is to provide students with the knowledge and appreciation required to make ethical decisions and to serve the Marine Corps professionally and clarifying their individual ethical framework in reference to the Marine Corps and the Government Employee Code of Ethics.  The goal is to help the student recognize and act appropriately when facing ethical dilemmas.

Learning Objectives:
1. Understanding Why Ethics is Needed
2. Applying Ethical Behavior in the Workplace
3. Writing an individual reflective summary of the course (content and future application)

Session Six:  Lead Self Reflections

Purpose:  This session affords students the opportunity to self-assess their learning during the seminar and determine how they will apply that new knowledge in their futures.  Their thoughts will be shared and discussed with the seminar.  

Learning Objectives:
1. Identify concepts learned and collaborate to develop a group presentation
2. Reflect on skills learned to enhance continuous self-awareness and self-leadership

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Lead Teams is a three-day seminar stressing team leadership development concepts. The course framework consists of six modules sessions spread over three days. Students are provided selected leadership and other relevant readings in preparation for the daily sessions. During each session students explore various applications of leadership concepts through discussions; reflections, introspection of self, critical thinking, solutions-orientation and analysis skills needed for and by leaders.  The seminar sessions are instructor lead facilitation with student interaction, and group work to reinforce session learning objectives. The group activities are student led with presentations or feedback given to the seminar.

A)  Day One: Defining and Explaining Team Building

Session One: What is a Team?

Purpose:  Students are provided with an opportunity to explore and discuss the importance and power of work teams in our federal agencies during this seminar session.  Session One will focus on better understanding the meaning of teams, what are the characteristics of effective teams, and the advantages and disadvantages of using teams in the workplace.    

Learning Objectives:

1.         Explain the meaning of team

2.         Describe characteristics of effective teams

3.         Understand the advantages and disadvantages of a team

Session Two: Leading a Team

Purpose:  Students are provided with an opportunity to explore and discuss how to build and sustain team leader qualities and abilities when leading work teams in federal agencies.  Session Two will focus on understanding what makes an effective team leader; examine qualities of a team leader, and developing an action plan for building oneself into an effective team leader.    

Learning Objectives:

1.   Comprehend and explain what a Team Leader is 

2.   Define and describe Team Leader qualities

3.   Build and apply an action plan to becoming an effective Team Leader


B)  Day Two:  Building and Communicating within Teams

Session Three: Build Teams

Purpose: Students are provided with an opportunity to explore and discuss the importance and power of work teams in our federal agencies during this seminar session.  Session Three will focus on better understanding the type of team needed in the work place; the responsibilities and roles of team members, the stages of team development, team dynamics and dysfunctions of teams.   

Learning Objectives:

1.         Determining the type of team needed

2.         Understanding roles of team members

3.         Analyzing the stages of team development

  1. Examine dysfunctions of teams

Session Four:  Communicating in a Team

Purpose: Students are provided with an opportunity to explore and discuss the importance and power of work teams in our federal agencies during this seminar session.  Session Four will focus on effective communication used in teams.  Key is the role the leader plays in communicating with clarity and purpose.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define and describe Team communication
  2. Apply the art of Listening and Brainstorming
  3. Understand the importance and application of Electronic Mediated Communication


C)  Day Three:  Ethics and Reflections of Leadership Development

Session Five: Ethics and Teams

Purpose:  The purpose of this session is to analyze the role of ethics and values as they relate to a team leader in the workplace.  The primary outcome of this session is to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to make ethical decisions and to serve the Marine Corps professionally and clarifying their individual ethical framework in reference to the Marine Corps and the Government Employee Code of Ethics.  The goal is to help the student recognize and act appropriately when facing ethical dilemmas as a team leader.

Learning Objectives:

1.   Understand and explain Team ethics

2.   Understand and explain ethical Team leadership

3.   Writing an individual reflective summary of the course—Lead Teams (content and future application)

Session Six:  Reflections on Lead Teams

Purpose:  This session affords students the opportunity to self-assess their learning during the seminar and determine how they will apply that new knowledge in their futures.  Their thoughts will be shared and discussed with the seminar.  

Learning Objectives:

1.   Identify concepts learned and collaborate to develop a group presentation

2.   Reflect on skills learned to enhance continuous self-awareness and team leadership