
Command and Staff College
Douglas E. Streusand, Ph.D.

Dr. Douglas E. Streusand has taught at the Command and Staff College since 2005 and served as Adjunct Professor at the Institute of World Politics since 2006. He had previously taught at the University of Maryland and American Military University and been a Fellow at three tanks, the Hoover Institution, the Heritage Foundation, and the U.S. Global Strategy Council. From 1996 to 2005, he ran the Global Strategy Seminar, an informal national security discussion group.

Dr. Streusand’s current research and writing projects include a bibliography on Mughal warfare, a book chapter on firearms in the expansion of the Ottoman Empire, and a book, “Seven Myths about Islamic History."


  • Ph.D. , History, 1987, University of Chicago

  • M.A. , Social Science, 1978, University of Chicago

  • B.A., History, 1976, Duke University

Selected Publications

  • Editor, The Grand Strategy that Won the Cold War: Architecture of Triumph (Lexington Books, 2016)

  • Islamic Gunpowder Empires: Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals (Westview Press, 2010)

  • The Formation of the Mughal Empire (Oxford University Press, 1989)

  • “Geopolitics versus Globalization,” in Globalization and Maritime Power (National Defense University Press, 2002)

  • “The Safavid Army” in Oxford Military Bibliographies online (2018)

  • “Sir Hamilton Gibb, Abu Yusuf, and the Concept of Islamic Civilization,” in History and Historiography of Post Mongol Central Asia: Essays in Honor of John E. Woods (2006)

  • “Managing the Iranian Threat to Sea Commerce Diplomatically,” in Getting Reading for a Nuclear Ready Iran (2005)


  • Founder and Coordinator, Command and Staff College Brown Bag Program

Professional memberships

  • Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa

  • Middle East Studies Association

  • World History of Association

  • American Historical Association

  • United States Naval Institute

  • Marine Corps Association

  • Society for Military History

Marine Corps University