


Medal of Honor Citation

Original General Order

George Croghan Reid was born in Lorain, Ohio, 9 December 1876. He was appointed a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps Reserve during the Spanish-American War, 20 May 1898. He was honorably discharged 20 February 1899. He was then appointed a first lieutenant in the regular establishment of the Marine Corps, 8 April 1899; promoted to the rank of captain, 23 July 1900; major, 16 January 1909; lieutenant colonel, 29 August 1916; colonel, 4 June 1920; and brigadier general upon retirement, 1 September 1930.

He served on the Asiatic Station from May 1899 to May 1902. This duty included service with the China Relief Expedition during the Boxer Uprising from June to October 1900. He was a member of the relief forces which marched to the rescue of the legations besieged in Peking. He also performed duty in the Philippine Islands and with the Asiatic Fleet during this three-year period.

Returning from the Orient, Capt Reid was stationed at various posts in the United States for the next few years, this service being interrupted by expeditionary duty on the Isthmus of Panama during the early part of 1904.  In 1906, he returned to the Philippine Islands remaining there until September 1908.  He was on duty at posts in the United States until 1912 when he again went on expeditionary duty, this time to Nicaragua with the forces dispatched there to protect American interests during the insurrectionary troubles in that country.  During this service, he took part in the assault and capture of Coyotepe and Barranca on 19 November 1912, for which he received a letter of commendation for gallantry and conspicuous service in action.

Returning from this campaign, Maj Reid again went on expeditionary duty to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, returning from there to Philadelphia.  He took part in the Culebra Maneuvers of the Advance Base Brigade in January 1914.

In January 1914, he went to sea as Division Marine Officer of the Atlantic Fleet remaining on this duty until May 1916.  While serving in this capacity, he landed with the Marines of the Fleet in Vera Cruz, Mexico, on 21 April 1914 and took part in the military operations that resulted in the occupation of that city.  For distinguished conduct in the face of the enemy, he was awarded the Medal of Honor.

During World War I, LtCol Reid served at Quantico, Virginia, and at Galveston, Texas, with the Third Brigade of Marines.  From June 1919 to May 1921, he was on duty with the Second Provisional Brigade of Marines in the Dominican Republic.  During part of this service, Col Reid also performed duty as the Commanding Officer of the Guardia Nacional Dominicana.

In 1921, he took the course of instruction at the Naval War College at Newport, Rhode Island.  From July 1922 to July 1924, he served as Commanding Officer, Marine Barracks, New York.  From 1924 to 1925, he was on duty at the Army War College, Washington, D.C., graduating from that institution.

In 1925, Col Reid was transferred to Guam, commanding the Marines at that station.  He retired from the Marine Corps on 1 September 1930 and was advanced to the rank of brigadier general, having been specially commended in combat.

Brigadier General Reid died 19 February 1961, at U.S. Air Force Hospital, Harlingen Air Force Base, Texas.  He was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia. 

Vera Cruz 1914 Medal of Honor