Title: The Fleet Marine Force
Category: General Order No. 241
Author/Presenter: Claude A. Swanson, Secretary of the Navy
Date: 7 December 1933
1. The force of marines maintained by the Major General Commandant in a state of readiness for operations with the Fleet is hereby designated as Fleet Marine Force (F.M.F.), and as such shall constitute a part of the organization of the United States Fleet and be included in the Operating Force Plan for each fiscal year.
2. The Fleet Marine Force shall consist of such units as may be designated by the Major General Commandant and shall be maintained at such strength as is warranted by the general personnel situation of the Marine Corps.
3. The Fleet Marine Force shall be available to the Commander in Chief for operations with the Fleet or for exercises either afloat or ashore in connection with Fleet problems. The Commander in Chief shall make timely recommendations to the Chief of Naval Operations regarding such service in order that the necessary arrangements may be made.
4. The Commander in Chief shall exercise command of the Fleet Marine Force when embarked on board vessels of the Fleet or when engaged in Fleet exercises either afloat or ashore. When otherwise engaged, command shall be as directed by the Major General Commandant.
5. The Major General Commandant shall detail the Commanding General of the Fleet Marine Force and maintain an appropriate staff for him.
6. The Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, shall report by letter to the Commander in Chief, United States Fleet, for duty in connection with the employment of the Fleet Marine Force. At least once each year, and at such other times as may be considered desirable by the Commander in Chief, the Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, with appropriate members of his staff, shall be ordered to report to the Commander in Chief for conference.
7. Correspondence relating to the employment of the Fleet Marine Force shall be conducted directly between the Commander in Chief and the Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force.
8. The Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, shall at all times keep the Commander in Chief informed of the strength and distribution of the units comprising the Fleet Marine Force, as well as the efficiency, readiness, and adequacy of the force to accomplish successfully the tasks assigned to it by the Commander in Chief.
9. The Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, shall keep the Major General Commandant informed of all matters pertaining to the employment of his command, in order that the Major General Commandant may provide an adequate strength and armament for the force and otherwise assist in maintaining a high standard of efficiency in the organization.
Secretary of the Navy