Title: Authorization to Enroll Women Marines
Category: Letter
Author/Presenter: Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy
Date: 8 August 1918
August 8, 1918
To: Major General Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps
Subj: Enrollment of women in the Marine Corps Reserve for clerical duty.
Reference: Letter of Major General Commandant, USMC, dated August 2, 1918.
1. Referring to letter of the Major General Commandant U.S.M.C. as per above reference and in particular to the statement contained in the second paragraph thereof, that it is thought that about 40% of the work at the Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps can be performed as well by women as by men: authority is granted to enroll women in the Marine Corps Reserve for clerical duty at Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., and at other Marine Corps offices in the United States where their services may be utilized to replace men who may be qualified for active field service with the understanding that such enrollment shall be gradual.
Josephus Daniels