
General History - Humanitarian Operations

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History Division
Quantico, Virginia

To order titles still in print, send an email with your name, mailing address, and title of the book to

Due to the age of publications, certain works listed are no longer in print. Print-on-demand services are available for some titles upon request.


The Diplomatic Mission to Abyssinia, 1903.
Bernard C. Nalty


U.S. Marines in Humanitarian Operations. Angels from the Sea: Relief Operations in Bangladesh, 1991.
Charles R. Smith


U.S. Marines in Humanitarian Operations. A Skillful Show of Strength: U.S. Marines in the Caribbean, 19911996.
Col Nicholas E. Reynolds


Humanitarian Operations In Northern Iraq, 1991: With Marines in Operation Provide Comfort.


Just Cause: Marine Operations in Panama, 19881990.
LtCol Nicholas E. Reynolds


Restoring Hope: In Somalia with the Unified Task Force, 19921993.
Col Dennis P. Mroczkowski


U.S. Marine Operations. On Mamba Station: U.S. Marines in West Africa, 19902003.
Maj James G. Antal and Maj R. John Vanden Berghe