

Command and Staff College
Nathan R. Packard, Ph.D.

Dr. Nathan Packard is an Associate Professor of military history at the Marine Corps Command and Staff College. His other teaching duties have included Georgetown University, the U.S. Naval Academy, and the U.S. Naval War College. Dr. Packard received his B.A. in History from the College of the Holy Cross (2000) and his M.A. (2006) and PhD (2015) in History from Georgetown University. He also holds an M.A. (2014) in National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College and an M.S. (2020) in National Security Strategy from the National War College where he was a distinguished graduate and INDOPACOM scholar. His research interests include the history of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, the Vietnam War, civil-military relations, and military reform. He is currently writing a book on the Marine Corps from the aftermath of the Vietnam War through the recent pivot to the Western Pacific. Dr. Packard is a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom where he served in Fallujah as an advisor to the Iraqi Army during the 2007 Surge. He is a colonel in the Marine Corps Reserve, currently serving with the Operations Directorate (J3), Joint Staff. Dr. Packard is also on the editorial board of the International Journal of Naval History as the Assistant Editor for Amphibious Warfare.