
Command and Staff College
Eric Shibuya, Ph.D.

Dr. Eric Shibuya is Professor of Strategic Studies, Command and Staff College, Quantico, Virginia. He joined Marine Corps University in February 2007. He was previously at the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies in Honolulu from 2000-2006, where among other duties he served as Program Director for the Junior Executive Course (now known as the Asia-Pacific Orientation Course) and cofounded the Comprehensive Security Responses to Terrorism Course. Dr. Shibuya has traveled extensively through Asia and the Pacific, and has been part of Transnational Security Education teams in Kenya and Kosovo. He has been adjunct faculty for the Center for Civil-Military Relations, Center for Asymmetric Warfare, and Joint Special Operations University. He has also taught for programs at the Foreign Service Institute, the University of Louisville, and the Dutch War College

He is the author of Demobilizing Irregular Forces (2012). Other publications include “The Rebalance as Retcon,” (with Benjamin H. Jensen) in Origins and Evolution of the US Rebalance Toward Asia (Hugo Meijer, editor), New York: Palgrave Macmillan, July 2015, and “Associations and Agency: US-Pacific Island Relations Since 2015,” in Strategic Competition and Security Cooperation in the Blue Pacific (Deon Canyon, editor), Honolulu: Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, 2022

Dr. Shibuya holds degrees from the University of Hawaii, University of Oklahoma, and Colorado State University. He is a 1999 Fulbright Fellow and was based in the Department of International Relations, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, the Australian National University; Canberra. 

Marine Corps University