

Command and Staff College
Lieutenant Colonel Khalilah Thomas, USMC

LtCol Thomas commissioned through the NROTC Program at the Georgia Institute of Technology in December 2000. Trained as a Supply Officer, she has held supply billets at all levels in such places as Kaneohe Bay, HI; Quantico, VA; and Camp Pendleton, CA. She has deployed once to Afghanistan (2010-2011) and twice to Iraq (2007-2008 and 2017-2018). During the 2017 deployment she served as both the unit Supply Officer and the Lead Logistics Advisor to Iraq Army located at the Anbar Operations Command. Outside of the supply field, LtCol Thomas has been a Company Commander, a Battalion Executive Officer, an Economics Instructor at the United States Naval Academy, and the Deputy Director of the Marine Corps Senate Liaison Office supporting the Commandant’s legislative priorities.

LtCol Thomas has a BS in Construction Management from Georgia Institute of Technology, a MS in International Relations from Troy University, and an MBA from Indiana University.