

College of Distance Education and Training
Mr. Jared R. Duff, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret), USMC

Mr. Jared R. Duff, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret), USMC, Contractor Davis Defense Group (DDG), served in the USMC as a Tank Officer (MOS 1802) and a qualified Operations and Tactics Instructor (MOS 0577) retiring after 24 years of honorable and faithful service. He joined Marine Corps University’s, Expeditionary Warfare School Distance Education Program under the College of Distance Education and Training in 2022. He has extensive experience in U.S. joint and interagency, multi-national, MAGTF, humanitarian, disaster relief, counterinsurgency, current and future operations, amphibious operations, combined-arms, armor, and tank-infantry operations with multiple deployments to Afghanistan, Iraq, Nepal, Philippines, Australia, Yemen, the Persian Gulf and throughout the Indo-PACOM region. He holds a Masters Degree in Military Studies from Marine Corps University, Command and Staff College and is a graduate of Southwest Baptist University with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Sociology.