

Marine Corps University Press
Ms. Angela A. Anderson

Angela Anderson joined the university in 2013 as the director of Marine Corps University Press (MCUP). MCUP publishes open-access, scholarly monographs and five peer reviewed journals. Ms. Anderson directs and manages the acquisition, editing, design, production, and distribution of contemporary and military history monographs and  journals. She began working in publishing in 1992 and has spent the bulk of her career as an editor and designer working in the federal government and with university presses, including the University of Texas Press, Texas A&M University Press, Southern Illinois University Press, and University of Tennessee Press. She also spent 10 years as the marketing director for one of Texas A&M University's largest departments. She holds a BA in graphic design from the University of Texas at Austin and an MA in publishing from George Washington University.



Masters, College of Professional Studies-Publishing, George Washington University, 2011

Bachelor of Arts, Journalism/Graphic Design, University of Texas-Austin, 1994