

Command and Staff College
Douglas E. Streusand, Ph.D.



2005-Present: Professor (Associate Professor, 2005-2009) of International Relations, Marine Corps Command and Staff College, Quantico, Virginia

2006-Present: Adjunct Professor, Institute of World Politics.

1997-2007: Professor, American Military University (American Public University System)

1997-2005: Founder and Director, the Global Strategy Seminar, Center for Security Studies



Islamic Gunpowder Empires: Ottomans, Safavis, and Mughals (Boulder, Co.: Westview Press, 2010) .  Turkish Translation, Ateşli Silahlar Çaĝinda Islam Imparatorluklari: Osmanlılar, Safeviler, Babürlüler.   Trans. Bahar Fırat.  Istanbul: Ufuk Yayınları, 2013

The Formation of the Mughal Empire.  Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1989 (paperback edition 1999).  Chapter, “The Process of Expansion,” reprinted in Warfare and Weaponry in South Asia, 1000-1800, ed. Jos.  J.L. Gommans and Dirk H.A. Kolff, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2001. 

Edited Volume

The Grand Strategy that Won the Cold War: Architecture of Triumph.  Co-Editors: Francis H. Marlo and Norman A. Bailey. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2016 (paperback edition 2017) Selected for the Chairman’s Leadership Library 2024

“Firearms in Ottoman Expansion” in The Oxford Handbook of War in Asia (forthcoming)

Oxford Military Bibliographies (Online)

Safavid Army”

“Mughal Warfare”

“Managing the Iranian Threat to Iranian Sea Commerce Diplomatically,” in Getting Ready for a Nuclear Ready Iran, ed. Henry Sokolski and Patrick Clawson (Carlisle, Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, 2005),

“Sir Hamilton A. R. Gibb, Abu Yusuf, and the Concept of Islamic Civilization,” in History and Historiography of Post-Mongol Central Asia: Studies in Honor of Professor John E. Woods, ed. Judith Pfeiffer and Sholeh Quinn with Ernest Tucker (Berlin: Otto Harrasowitz, 2006), 552-554

“Geopolitics versus Globalization,” in Globalization and Maritime Power, ed. Sam J. Tangredi (Washington, D.C: National Defense University Press, 2002), pp. 41-56



Ph.D., Islamic History, University of Chicago, 1987

B.A., History, Duke University, 1976