

Learning Skills Communication Center
Ms. Rachelle Kamrath

Ms. Kamrath has been with the LCSC since November, 2021. Prior to joining the LCSC, she was an Instructor of Professional Communication at EWS from 2013-2021. During her time there, she has worked to enhance the communication curriculum and to improve student writing. She has over 20 years of teaching experience on the college level. Her areas of interest prior to MCU included coaching intercollegiate forensics (speech and debate) at two institutions, advising undergraduate research projects, teaching upper-level Communication Studies courses, and teaching the basic-level public speaking course. Her research areas of interest include teaching interpersonal communication to military personnel, workplace challenges for women, and adult learning.

  • M.A. Communication Studies – Instructional Communication, 2004, University of Nebraska Lincoln

  • B.A. Organizational Communication, 1996, University of Nebraska Kearney


Kamrath, Rachelle. “I didn’t join the Marine Corps to write papers!”: Cultivating an Academic Mindset in

Professional Military Education. Discussion Panel: Rachelle Kamrath, Christina Jackson, Steven McGahan, and David Gaer. “Mitigating Workplace Tension in Hybrid-Academic Institutions: Cultivating Instructional Communication Strategies among Academic Faculty in Career-Training Schools.” Presented at the Western States Communication Association annual convention in Portland, Oregon. February, 2022.

Kamrath, Rachelle. “Presentation Techniques to Enhance Retention.” Winter 2022 Conference Speaker.

College Communicators Association of Virginia and DC. University of Mary Washington – Stafford Campus. January, 2022.

Kamrath, Rachelle. "Trading 'Knife-Hands' for Soft Skills": Teaching Interpersonal Communication to  

Enlisted Marines. Discussion Panel: Lauren Mackenzie, Todd T. Holm, Grant P.    Campbell, Rachelle Kamrath, and Katy Denman. “Difficult conversations with Military Students: The Role of Applied Communication for Resilient Teacher-Scholars” (presentation, Eastern Communication Association annual convention. Spring, 2021). 

  • National Communication Association

  • Eastern Communication Association

  • Western States Communication Association

  • College Communicators Association of Virginia and DC