
MAGTF Instructional Group
Mr. Richard A. Hawkins, Sergeant Major (Ret), USMC

Rick Hawkins served on active duty from 1978 to 2010. Initially assigned to the Infantry MOS, he served in the capacities of fire team leader, squad leader, platoon sergeant, platoon commander and company gunnery sergeant within infantry units. In addition, he served within security forces and drill instructor assignments.

Upon selection for promotion to first sergeant, he served in 2d Bn, 4th Mar (subsequently re-designated as 2d Bn, 6th Mar), and as the director of the SNCOA Sergeants Course aboard Marine Corps Base Hawaii. Upon selection for promotion to sergeant major, he served with 1st Bn, 3d Mar; 2d Rad Bn, II MHG; 2d Supply Bn, 2d FSSG; HMX-1; and culminated his career while serving as the Sergeant Major of Marine Corps University/Education Command from 2006 to 2010.

Rick Hawkins has served in his present capacity, primarily supporting the Senior Enlisted and First Sergeants’ Courses since May, 2010.

Marine Corps University