- M.A. Communication Studies (Rhetoric), 2015, Colorado State University
- B.A. Language Arts Education, 2010, University of Nebraska-Kearney
Mr. Campbell has over 13 years of instructional experience that focuses on speaking and writing. During those years, Mr. Campbell has tutored and fostered reading, writing, and speaking skills for over 1,000 students. At Marine Corps University, Mr. Campbell edits student and faculty writing, teaches about writing and storytelling as leadership tools, and explores interpersonal and intercultural facets of communication. He has also taught Communication and Popular Culture, Public Speaking, and Intro to Human Communication at the university level.
Selected Publications and Presentations
O’Connell, Daniel J. and Grant P. Campbell. “Maneuver Writing: Emphasizing Process Over Product in Unit PME Programs.” Marine Corps Gazette 104, no. 11 (November 2020): 32-35.
Campbell, Grant P. “Bridging the Cultural Divide: How Facework and Female Engagement Teams can Inform Marine Corps Strategy” (presentation, National Communication Association Convention, Indianapolis, IN, November 19, 2020).
Mackenzie, Lauren, Todd T. Holm, Grant P. Campbell, Rachelle Kamrath, and Katy Denman. “Difficult conversations with Military Students: The Role of Applied Communication for Resilient Teacher-Scholars” (presentation, Eastern Communication Association annual convention, Spring 2021).
Professional memberships
- National Communication Association
- Eastern Communication Association