

Marine Corps University
Mr. Terence K. Kerrigan, Colonel (Ret), USMC

Mr. Kerrigan assumed the position as the Director, Marine Corps College of Distance Education and Training, Training and Education Command, Quantico, VA during July 2002. Prior to that, then Colonel Kerrigan was assigned to the Industrial College of the Armed Forces (ICAF), National Defense University during June 2000 for duty on the academic faculty.

Colonel Kerrigan was an infantry officer who served in a variety of command and staff assignments in both the operational forces and supporting establishment of the Marine Corps. Some of his assignments in the operational forces include platoon commander, rifle company commander, weapons company commander, battalion operations officer, battalion executive officer, and battalion commander of 3d Battalion, 3d Marines.

In addition, Colonel Kerrigan was assigned as the Commanding Officer, Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force UNITAS. His assignments in the supporting establishment include duty as both the guard and then executive officer at Marine Barracks, North Island; Reserve Retention/Release Officer (MMOA-3) and Company Grade Career Counselor (MMOA-4), Personnel Management Division, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Headquarters Marine Corps; and department head and Deputy for Academics, Amphibious Warfare School, Quantico, Virginia.

Colonel Kerrigan is a graduate of the following professional military formal schools: The Basic School, Infantry Officer’s Course, Amphibious Warfare School, Marine Corps Command and Staff College, and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces.

Colonel Kerrigan was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Radio and T.V. Broadcasting from the University of Florida in June 1977. During July 1983, he earned a Master of Science in Education from National University, San Diego, California. Then, on 13 June 2000, he was awarded a Master of Science in National Security Resource Strategy from the National Defense University in Washington, D.C.