

​Finance Resources

“Finance” refers to the disciplined practices of personal, financial responsibility. Marines and Sailors who pursue financial responsibility mitigate stress and are better prepared for deployments, family changes, and transition to civilian life. The Finance resource page addresses fundamentals of personal finance to include budgeting, saving, debt-management and investing.

  • Financial Wellbeing Assessment and Tools
  • Financial Planning Worksheet
    • This excel workbook provides a comphrensive tool for Marines, Sailors, and their families to evaluate their financial situation, and make informed decisions.
  • Personal Finance Assessment
    • This worksheet is a more abbreviated version of a budge worksheet that Mariines, Sailors, and their families 
  • Marine Corps Orders for Pay and Benefits-MCPEL
  • Personal Financial Management Program (PFMP)
    • The Personal Financial Management Program assists Marines and their families in achieving and sustaining personal financial readiness by providing personal financial education, training, counseling, and financial information and referral. A solid understanding of personal finances will build confidence in facing financial challenges, responsibilities and mission readiness.
  • Military OneSource:  Personal Financial Management and Taxes Resource Page
    • MilitaryOneSource has compiled a list of resources and information regarding personal financial management and taxes.
  • MilitaryOneSource:  Taxes Resource Page
    • MilitaryOneSource helps service members and eligible family members by providing access to free financial counseling, tax consultations, and secure online tax preparation and filing. Get started on your taxes now by meeting with a trained Military OneSource tax consultant for military-specific advice regarding your tax questions, free. Call 800-342-9647 today
  • VITA Program
    • The Marine Corps operates a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program annaually.  Contact your local legal center to learn more.
  •  Military Members
    • The DFAS:  Military Members Resource Page is a compiled list of information, resources, and FAQ regarding Pay and Allowances, Pay Deductions, Travel Pay, Dependancy Questions, Tax Information, and Thrift Savings Plans (TSP), among others.
  • Navy Marine Corps Relief Society
    • The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) is a non-profit, volunteer organization whose mission is to provide, in partnership with the Navy and Marine Corps, financial, educational, and other need-based assistance to active-duty and retired Sailors and Marines, their eligible family members, and survivors.
  • MLD Financial Literacy Presentations

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