

Fitness Resources

“Fitness” is a holistic approach to physical, mental, spiritual, and social fitness. Truly “fit” Marines have far more than just high Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and Combat Fitness Test (CFT) scores. Ensuring holistic wellbeing boosts morale, cohesiveness, and resiliency - enabling Marines to execute the toughest challenges and recuperate in shorter time. The Fitness resource page contains information and practices to aid Marines in promoting, sustaining, and restoring fitness.

Physical Fitness

Mental Fitness

  • Link to Tactical Decision Games (TDGs)
    • A great way for Marine leaders to improve their intellect is through tactical decision games.  The Marine Corps Gazette maintains a large repository of tactical decision games that have appeared in past issues of the Marine Corps Gazette, the official professional journal of the Marine Corps. 
  • MCCS Forward:  Wellness Resource Page
    • The Wellness Resource Page of the MCCS Forward website is a comprehensive collection of articles, resources, and information about wellness, which generally refers to mental, spiritual and social fitness, for Marines, their subordinates, and families.  What every Marine needs to know is that MCCS can provide every Marine and his or her family with a significant amount of assistance in health and overall wellbeing, to include one-on-one counseling on a myriad of subjects.  Marines should use this resource to discover what tools they can use to improve themselves, their Marines, and familiies
  • MCTP 3-30e Combat and Operational Stress Control
    • This is a doctrinal publication devoted to resiliency, and ensuring that our Marines and sailors can maintain well-being in the face of the stress attendant to combat operations.  It is a tool that can be used by leaders to help establish a framework for understanding stress, combat stress, resiliency, and what can be done for our Marines and Sailors who may be in trouble due to combat fatigue.

  • Suicide Prevention

  • Military OneSource
    • Along with resources provided at the duty station, such as counselors, chaplains, and other advisors, Military OneSource can also support Service members and their families.

      Military OneSource,, is your connection to information, answers, and support when Marine Corps life happens. We can help you overcome challenges, reach your goals, and thrive.  Military OneSource is a free service to Marines (active duty, veteran, wounded/ill/injured), attached sailors, family, and naval personnel supporting Marine Units. The Military OneSource Line is a confidential phone and chat support service that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

      A few of the types of help available:

      Relationship counseling
      Non-medical counseling for stress relief
      Financial counseling
      Document translation
      Spouse scholarships, education and career benefits
      Child care options
      Permanent change of station moves

  • MCCS Community Counseling Program
    • Using an integrated community health approach, the Community Counseling Program (CCP) equips Marines and families with the skills to address life’s challenges before there is significant impact to performance in their duties and relationships.
  • Marine Corps Defense Services Organization
    • The Marine Corps Defense Services Organization (DSO) is a global criminal defense law firm comprised of over 70 Marine judge advocates and legal service support staff who are passionate about defending Marines at courts-martial, boards of inquiry, and administrative separation boards. 
  • The Real Warriors.Net
    • Think you might need some help?  The Real Warriors Campaign is a multimedia public awareness campaign designed to encourage help-seeking behavior for active service members, veterans, and their families coping with problems related to mental, spiritual, and social fitness.  This site contains a multitude of articles, information, and other resources (including one-on-one counseling) designed to help those who have needs related to their mental, spiritual, and social well-being.   This Campaign was launched by the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury in 2009, and is an integral part of DoD's overall effort to encourage warriors and those around them to seek appropriate care and support for well-being related to mental, spiritual, and social fitness.
  • Post Traumatic Winning 

Social Fitness

  • Single Marine Program
    • The Single Marine Program (SMP) serves as the voice for single Marines in identifying concerns, developing initiatives, and providing recommendations through advocacy, recreational activities, special events and community involvement. The SMP is comprised of single Marines who represent their Unit and want to make a difference within their unit and on their installation.  Lead by young leaders, the SMP functions to support single Marines’ leisure interests and Quality of Life (QOL) concerns.  A single Marine’s QOL concerns include, but are not limited to, activities and issues that directly or indirectly influence personal readiness, morale, living environment, and personal growth and development.  SMP is offered aboard 21 Marine Corps installations and throughout Marine Forces Reserve.
  • MCCS Forward: Substance Abuse
    • The Substance Abuse Program utilizes evidence-based programming and practices, including prevention education, early intervention initiatives, counseling, and drug and alcohol deterrent activities in order to promote overall health and mission readiness.
  • MCCS Forward:  Lifestyle Resource Page
    • The Lifestyle Resource Page of the MCCS Forward website is a comprehensive collection of articles, resources, and information about lifestyle in the Marine Corps, and more broadly as a service member in the U.S. Armed Forces.   What every Marine needs to know is that MCCS can provide every Marine and his or her family with a significant amount of assistance in making healthy life choices, and mainting an optimal state of social relationships with health and overall wellbeing, to include one-on-one counseling on a myriad of subjects.  Marines should use this resource to discover what tools they can use to improve themselves, their Marines, and familiies.
  • MCCS Recreation Programs
    • Recreation Centers provide healthy alternatives for the positive use of leisure time for Active Duty personnel.  Activities provided in Recreation Centers enhance community connectedness; provide opportunities for social interaction, life-skills development, and cultural awareness.  Recreation Centers are considered your “home away from home” with programming that focuses primarily on single Marines.
  • Military OneSource:  Single Life Resource Page
    • Don’t sift through pages of stuff that only applies to married service members. MilitaryOneSource has already pooled everything the single service member can relate to on this page — read about finances, installation services and programs, and more as they apply to you.
  • Marine Corps Social Media Guide
    • Released under General Joseph Dunford as CMC, the Social Media Handbook outlines the Marine Corps' social media principles - to empower Marines to participate with our social media community. The intent is to engage in greater discussion as even better communications and improved representatives of our Corps.
  • Marine Corps Family Team Building
    • Marine Corps Family Team Building reinforces and sustains a state of personal and family readiness to provide Marines and families with tools and resources needed to successfully meet the challenges of the military lifestyle and enhance mission readiness by providing preventative education that is offered across the life cycle of a Marine.

Spiritual Fitness


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