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CJCSI 6510.01 F, PAR 26.A states, "a. Ensure new IS users are briefed on their individual information and IS security responsibilities, consent to monitoring, and have signed a user agreement prior to system access."

SECNAVM 5239.2, PAR 3. D states, "d. Each Authorized, Enhanced, and Core User of DON IS must maintain the appropriate security clearance; have a current user access agreement (e.g., System Authorization Access Request (SAAR)) and, if applicable, a Privileged Access Agreement (PAA); and complete approved cyber security awareness training prior to accessing DON networks. Commanders of DON organizations may add specific Service and local cyber security policies and procedures to the standardized baseline training. Cyber security awareness training includes initial awareness orientation and annual refresher training."

MCO 5239.28, PAR 4.a(3)(n).4 states, "4. Users shall comply with the guidelines established in accordance with reference (y) and submit a DD 2875 System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) along with an Acceptable Use Agreement when using Government-owned information systems. One SAAR is required (for each system) NIPR, SIPR, and Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS) access."

Before beginning the SAAR process you are required to have a copy of your:

References: USMC ECSM and MarAdmin 330/15